Farm not working properly & freezing game

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by bleedgames, May 26, 2016.

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  1. bleedgames

    bleedgames User


    When I click on 2 of my farms the screen freezes. I have done the usual clear cache, etc. and tried different browsers, logged off, shut down computer and restarted. This started after completing level 3 of the Circus Fettuccine Event. Any help is very much appreciated.

    Thank you,

    bleedgames | ID 9295538
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    bleedgames have you tried the usual clearing the cache's etc. ? I have passed your request up the line.

    I have just received word that your problem should be fixed now. Let us know if the lumber mills are working correctly.
    Last edited: May 26, 2016
  3. bleedgames

    bleedgames User

    The Farms are not fixed, the lumber yards and bakeries are working fine. But the farms still freeze the screen and it gets that darkness over it. Plus I see where almost 25% of the energy and mood levels are gone. Any help is appreciated.

    Thanks so much,

    bleedgames | ID 9295538
  4. bleedgames

    bleedgames User

    Actually, it is only 2 of the farms that didn't and still don't work. They are the 2 farms that I did not use during the Circus Fettuccine event. The same thing is continuing to happen. As always, I clear cache, etc. prior to asking for help. Again, any help you can give is always appreciated.

    Thanks again,
    bleedgames | ID 9295538
  5. Hello bleedgames.
    your issue is always either a flash cache issue or browser cache issue you need to clear both of these individually then close down your computer completely then reboot and log into the game this does the same thing as me resetting your data.
    The other thing is when we reset your game everything is reset to be accurate that is why your power/mood is different
    Please advise us if our reset has resolved your problem:)
  6. bleedgames

    bleedgames User

    Good morning,

    When I first tried this morning things were still not working. I went through and cleared cache, etc. again as well as rebooting the computer. This time it worked. Things are back in working order again.

    Thank you so much for all of your help.

    bleedgames | ID 9295538 :D:)
  7. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    We enjoy being of assistance. Glad we finally got you up and running. I am closing this thread at this time.
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