Farmers Market Quest missing

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by HerGrace, Sep 28, 2016.

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  1. HerGrace

    HerGrace User

    I'm on level 10, and I understand I'm supposed to have the quest for the farmers market available. It does not appear in the event plaza. How am I supposed to access this quest?
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    The farmers market event (not a quest). Is available through the event plaza. So you must first build the event plaza and the event is usually available once a month for five days. Once started you have 72 hours to complete the event. You can check the calander for the next time the event will be available is October 7, through October12, 2016. Hopes this helped you understand the problem and solved it for you. Have fun building your city.
  3. HerGrace

    HerGrace User

    Thanks, the date was what I was missing.
    One follow up question: If I am above level 20 by October 7, does that mean I'm stuck with an unsolvable quest?
  4. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Your majesty, you are more than welcome. The second question's answeer is yes. Once you complete level nineteen the farmers market event is no longer available to be done. Unless you have started it before then, Once you start you will be allowed to complete the event. The only item in the event which is unique is the
    1 permit for
    'Rustic Windmill'

    So you do not miss very much as all of the other rewards are available in other ways. But the coins and production points are useful at your level.

    Have fun building your city.