farms and mills!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by olivemurmu, Jun 22, 2014.

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  1. olivemurmu

    olivemurmu User

    i have 5 mills and 7 farms...but what if i want more of them.there is a stretch of farmland that i cannot use as there are no farms and mills in the designer depot...not even to buy through MM.....there should be more permits for them...
  2. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    The left most plot, near the river, have one farm.
    Other then that you don't get any more until lvl65 and 75 :eek:
  3. I'm not getting very many ax. I'v been trying for hour! If they are random why aren't their more even at a lower level playing field?
  4. olivemurmu

    olivemurmu User

    yeah...seen that...but i'm not keen on expanding plots for the sake of one farm and leave the rest unused...
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Just plan your purchases of plots to get that particular plot in the future.
  6. I actually bought that plot early in my beginings just to be able to do an event which I could not do without that at that time. It quickly boosted my farm production power without investing materials into it, so it was very convenient at that time.
  7. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    I sure hope we'll have regular chances to gain more than just what we get from reaching certain levels, like they did with bakeries. With the changes in event items needed, it seems only reasonable to do so. When you could buy mills, I only managed to buy one extra before they removed the ability, and I would certainly like to have a max of at least eight rather than seven. Seven is just odd, you know? :p

    It's kind of annoying/unfair to have differing maximum permits for such facilities in a way, since it it favors people that started playing earlier rather than offering the same opportunities achieve the same ability eventually.
  8. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Arsuru think of it as an early bird special. :D The great and powerful developers are constantly changing and altering the game to keep it unpredictable and confusing for the players :eek::oops: . . . I mean to keep it fresh and new for the players :p:D. (just a tease BP) We do need additional sources of product, as the recent incident where the market place ran out of potatoes for sale. o_O ;)
  9. It's great when the market runs out of a comodity. Then the wise of us can sell what we have stored for a good price. While the shortage of a comodity nicely encourages the market, the overflowing abundance of everything in this game is just plain dead boring. :D :D :D

    Don't misunderstand me. I like overflowing abundance in real life. That's why I play this game to learn what shortage is. :D :rolleyes: :D
  10. marylis

    marylis User

    The strange thing with the potatoes is that when there were still 10-15 offers this morning the maximum price was 23, then it got to 24, and when there were just 2 offers the price was again 23. And now with 108 offers the max price is 36.
    I could make double the money I got this morning by selling around 3.000 potatoeso_O
  11. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Yeah, I feel sorry for whoever has to pay for solar plants now. I had 18 before they went and changed the pricing an limits. The limit was 20. I'd have went for the mills next. Maybe if I had more warning, but I digress.

    @nortoncommander I agree, but then you get to the point that goods aren't worth using for needs. Maybe I should start selling potatoes too. :p Well, they must be worth it to someone, since bread is able to be sold for the crazy prices it goes for. Most goods aren't even worth using for needs at this point. At least CC needs, but it's hard to justify the rest for me as well.
  12. olivemurmu

    olivemurmu User

    ultimately i will have to build buildings on the farmland....:rolleyes:
  13. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I suggest you go ahead and build on the farm land plots. If opportunity comes along that you need the farm land you can always move the buildings around.
  14. olivemurmu

    olivemurmu User

    yeah...i'm giving it a thought...thanks ....:D
  15. im not going to build on the farm plots
  16. In fact, farm land is only a limitation for some manufacturing facilities, but there is no reason no reason to keep farm land exclusive for them as there is lot more of this land then space needed for manufacturies limited to it. And you better be glad it's not as if it was, that would be pretty much the same nuisance as spot locked Brickyards and Breweries.
  17. marylis

    marylis User

    I don't use the farm land on the beach. I don't want manufacturing facilities near my summer houses.
  18. I've been thinking about putting Ranch there, as it looks rather cool. But not sure I will really like it, so I'm sort of waiting for the bosses to implement Manufacturing transfer option. It's really shame that with 4 playfields we still have so many buildings which simply can't be moved other then demolished and built again.
    olivemurmu likes this.
  19. marylis

    marylis User

    I agree. But I don't see it happening anytime soon
  20. Since producer is again hiding behind the wall of silence they might be "cooking" anything, so why not this thing? It's a reasonable feature which shouldn't be any difficult to implement as everything necessary is already in the code. All they need to do is add one more category/slot with modified conditions in the Inventory and unlock manufacturing and power plants for transfer. Well, of course they first need to prepare the concept of it. :)
    olivemurmu likes this.
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