Faulty Farm

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by carlsolly9, Apr 3, 2016.

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  1. carlsolly9

    carlsolly9 User


    The problem with the log in seems to be more settled but not perfect but good enough not to be too annoying and i can still play at least, but now i have a faulty farm, it has the gog above it and when i click to give it an action it turns my screen a transparent black but i can't do anything else, been like this for a about 3 days now, tried all the usual steps, clearing browser, flash etc.

    Any chance it could be cleared from your end ?

    Many thanks Carl
  2. G`day carl,
    I have reset your data and restarted your farm on what you had it set on please advise if all is now good on your end
  3. carlsolly9

    carlsolly9 User

    Brilliant !! Thanks Tassie, all good now
  4. Were always happy to help nice people,:) problem now solved closed
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