Feedback on Weekly: Biker Rally

Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by -Wizz-, Sep 23, 2014.

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  1. As you say. :) And I don't like chores............... lol :)
  2. billyjim

    billyjim User

    katastrouf Yes this event is a chore and a severe challenge. But complaining (something I have done enough of) is really counter productive. You have two choices do the event or not, it is up to you. There is no penalty for not doing the event.
  3. katastrouf

    katastrouf User

    You are absolutely right, it's a choice, you can do it or not. I have nothing against a very hard challenge but this one is almost unplayable for mayors that have not fully developed their production buildings. I think the requirements should be a little bit better balanced in order to have a decent chance.

    I like a hard challenge but with a fair chance. I've started this game 4 months ago so my chances are really unfair compared to old players. It's cheaper to buy a beer garden using MM than making the level 4 of the challenge. My 3 bakeries maxed out are barely making the day just producing rolls, for this challenge i had to buy a lot of rolls just to keep my other buildings going, so actually whatever money you make out of the challenge you're spending on attempting the challenge with little chance of success. Even in a state lottery everybody has the same chance.

    Does this sounds like fun to you? Well, not to me! The whole point of playing a game is having fun right? With RC i'm starting to forget the feeling ...
    WSOP_VETERAN4 likes this.
  4. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Well, now they are asking us to complain, so may as well. And it has payed off before. katastrouf is right; newer players are permanently disadvantaged for the time-being. Not quite a penalty to not do it, but no-fun nevertheless.
    Andrewjf and WSOP_VETERAN4 like this.
  5. Bababandos

    Bababandos User

    Normally I would agree that this event is somewhat unfair for players who hadn't had the chance to win a 4th or 5th bakery, as those make all the difference. However, with the above statement I tend to think that you might need a while longer anyway to figure out what makes sense in this game and what doesn't, so in the meantime chances for more bakeries might come up for you as well :)


    My feedback:

    I kinda like this event because it's the only challenging one. By now I usually barely make it despite only producing one batch of tofu throughout the day and one batch over night. Besides the MM and the Vitamin-X, the main gain for me are the experience points. I think the bikers' lodge needs too many materials in its upgrading stages. And I'd like to see a better decoration thrown in, at least for higher level players.
    billyjim likes this.
  6. katastrouf

    katastrouf User

    If I'm understanding it right, i don't know what makes sense in the game, right? Would you be so kind and enlighten me what i'm doing wrong? I have 8 bread basket buildings which need constant supplying. So what I'am i doing wrong here? Do i need more high level buildings that don't require rolls? I'm lvl 34 and making money is still not that easy.
    Frankly I find the production of the wood to be really an issue in the game because the demand for wood to upgrade buildings is really high. I have 6 brickyards but only 5 lumber mills, it's easier for me to upgrade high level buildings that don't require any wooden products than a low level building that requires a lot of wooden products, especially beams and panelling, but to get those high level buildings i need to start from low lever buildings right in order to level up which require wooden products, so i'm in a loop here.

  7. Bababandos

    Bababandos User

    If you buy rolls for let's say 160 CC a piece and then give them to houses that give you let's say 40 CC back per piece then it's no wonder you're struggling making CC.

    In your previous statement you wrote that you "had to buy rolls to keep keep buildings going", in this post you wrote your "buildings need constant supplying". Both statements are wrong - you don't have to buy rolls to keep your buildings going, they don't break down if you don't and give you income even without supplying them with rolls (and without burning CC in order to supply them with rolls).

    I don't mean to sound rude or harsh, and yes, this particular event is particularly difficult for lower levels or players who don't have the additional bakeries. But at the same time you're also making it more difficult yourself, and that's an aspect you can hardly blame anyone else for, is it? :)
    *kimmi* likes this.
  8. katastrouf

    katastrouf User

    Thanks, I see your point and you are right, i don't need to buy rolls usually and even for this challenge is cheaper not to buy them, but the thing is, i don't need to buy rolls except for this challenge, usually i make rolls at the bakery from production points so it's free, but 5000 tofu dogs takes 2 days so i'm loosing about 100-200 cc/pp/ep per building for every 4 rolls, and you are right 4rollsx160cc = 720cc which is way more than you make through the needs 100-200cc/pp/ep. Sometimes you just replenish the stocks of your bread basket buildings out of habit, a good habit which is wrong for this challenge.

    I still believe that this challenge is totally unfair for someone like me that cannot get an extra bakery. I have maxed out lumber mills, farms, bakeries, brickyards and some breweries but not all (not that breweries will be a problem with this challenge) but with all the bakeries maxed out i still can't make it work, i still need about 12 more hours just because i don't set an alarm to restart a batch of something exactly at the right moment. For me the limit of 3 bakeries is unfair regarding this particular challenge. for most of other challenges i had no problems but this one is unfair and frustrating since you keep going and going just to see you can't finish it unless your're using alarms to wake you up in the middle of the night to start a new batch of tofu dogs, which is like "**** that, get a life" if you know what i mean! of course you can always skip the challenge!!! but won't you feel bad that you skipped it? it feels like a failure already isn't it?

    same happened to me for the world cup and for the birthday challenge, should have skipped them, could not skipped them, got frustrated!!! at least for those i understand i was not ready and i needed to max out my production, it's not the case anymore, it's frustrating when you're maxed out and still could not do it.
    WSOP_VETERAN4 likes this.
  9. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I believe I need to expand on my view, so here I go into the breach. This event is not fair, it is not meant to be fair to everyone, the purpose is to be a challenge. This is the Mount Everest of events. Not everyone can climb the highest mountain and survive. Most of the events are easily completed with little strain. The Biker Week event is the one event that can not be completed by everyone.

    Any time a person starts later than other persons in a game they are going to be at a disadvantage, your city is going to have smaller population, less developed production facilities, fewer opportunities to receive prizes. With the exception of the few who started at the very begining in Beta testing we all are at that stage. I myself would like to have several items offered before I started the game but they are no longer available. The game is a dynamic entity the developers are constantly changing and improving the game. Over time you will be given the oppurtunity to earn the rewards others have received. Give it time. We have all been where you are now.
  10. brucenic

    brucenic User

    @katastrouf - take it easy ;)
    Biker's week is a hard event for everyone; we've all complained many times. I've never gone beyond level 3, and as it happens, I have 5 bakeries. I just don't see the point as the reward is insufficient in my opinion.
    The world cup was hard too; I didn't manage the final level, but I got some nice rewards along the way.
    The birthday event was a joke, so I didn't even start it.
    But this is just a game, I can get over it.

    And of course players that have been longer have more "stuff" than new guys. There are many things I haven't got, but in time, I'm collecting them. And one day, you will too. This is a game for the long term.
  11. Arsuru

    Arsuru User


    But in most games, that advantage isn't obligatorily permanent. Usually only special items or equipment for events will be unattainable, and they don't usually give one a significant advantage over things available later to other players.

    But without stating any clear intention, it just seems like a regression to many.

    Hopefully. There is certainly no confirmation. It's been presented to us that they are mostly limiting means with absolutely no indication of plans to dish out manufacturing buildings as rewards in the future. Past event exclusives could very well be unattainable, which is the norm in many online games. A fact that I live with, but generally dislike as a principal. But not being able to get a haunted manor isn't nearly as significant as not being as not to obtain more mills. The former is eye-candy, the latter is more significant to core gameplay.
    nortoncommander likes this.
  12. I think "complaining" is exactly what this thread was created for and it's not counter productive here. Let everyone give their feedback as they see fit, be it praise or complaint. :) No reason to hold back when they ask for it. :) :) :)

    After all, "we are the gamers" .......... lol :)
  13. Tamy

    Tamy User

    I think you nailed the issue with this metaphor. It is indeed the mount Everest of events, we all want to see if we can make it to the top. The thing is, after you've climbed the Everest, there is simply no point in doing it again.
    So my input: interesting challenge as a one-time (or yearly) event, but completely useless as part of the routine. The rewards need to improve significantly for me to consider repeating it.
    MillerWrox likes this.
  14. Not that it is important, but let me comment on that. With regard to game "Everest" I feel no need to attempt it whatsoever. It's just a waste of time and energy for me. With regard to real Everest, I was very tempted to do it, untill I carefully studied and found out what it is like up there. Since then I'm happy with my ordinary 4 to 5 thousand meters tall mountains, as the pleasure of being up there is much better then Everest. And I'll keep doing them repeatedly. :)
    Andrewjf likes this.
  15. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I agree completely and this is what I love about this game you have the option to do an event or not. It does not prevent you from continuing on in the game and you set your own goals. You select which challenges you wish to attempt. The developers make the offer, but leave it to the individual whether or not to participate. Thank you Nortoncommander once again for helping me to clarify my thoughts.
    Andrewjf likes this.
  16. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    Even though this event is


    I'm still looking forward to get Biker Lodge which seems to be at least as good as 12-hours CC-houses. And in the meantime ... it's not so bad to get 2 Auarium RI-epic, 50 MM, 100 Vitamin-X and 2 Memorial mood 21 for the first three stages :p
    Andrewjf likes this.
  17. mY EVENT SAID IT TIMED OUT THISMORNING AND according to calendar is not supposed to be done until 2/11/15
  18. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    The calendar don't say when an event end. Its say when you can start an event and then you have 72h to complete it.
    After the first time in the calendar you have a timeframe of 5 days to start an event and no matter when, under those 5 days, you start you will have 72h to do the event.
    E.G. if you will be gone two days, don't start an event before but wait till you get back.
    Andrewjf and strider_legs like this.
  19. Thank you! I never knew that!
    Andrewjf likes this.
  20. omuego

    omuego User

    Bragging time: I made it, thanks to the despicable waiting tactic and careful XP counting at level 24. Once I started the event, I advanced to level 25, upgraded brewery, got one more, as well as brickyard, in the suburbs, reached the dam in the mountains, paid by MM for one round of kegs in lvl2 brewery and the rest was just an easy ride to the sunset...