Feedback on Weekly: Biker Rally

Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by -Wizz-, Sep 23, 2014.

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  1. city8936

    city8936 User

    I really REALLY hate this one!!!:mad::mad: I've tried 4 times and ALL 4 times i missed i can't make it pasted the tofu dogs & brown ale keg{#4}:confused::confused: ugh i am sooo frustrated and sad but i am going to give it 1 more go at's just those darn tofu dogs that get me every time lol i guess thats why the event planner made it that way? oh i really hope i can do it just once just to say that i did;)city8936 - 7652267
  2. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Candybooopg There have been events where they have awarded extra bakeries. These are usually special once a year events. Easter Event is one. We might get one offered in the Birthday event, assuming there is one in August.

    City8936 Think of the Biker Rally as the toughest challenge of any of the events. Where some of the Events are easily completed by just about everyone, who puts the time in. The Biker Rally is the challenge for the truely dedicated. It requires great planning and perseverance. So do not give up. Just learn from every attempt. You will finally get there and when you do you have something to be proud of. :cool:
    city8936 and candyboopg like this.
  3. candyboopg

    candyboopg User

    Thank you billyjim for the info I look forward to get to play these games. I know I will get there were I can beat the game but its fun trying.:) thanks again candyboopg #9148457 :D
  4. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Any time candyboopg. We are here to help each other. :)
  5. nope. No Birthday event. The calendar 4 August is up. don't see one.
  6. i agree Sams there is nothing in the calendar about the b/day event, however there is still time for them to slot it in some time this month as has been the case previously with other events
    now to back on topic re the bikers event i have stopped doing this event is i need the production time for materials for upgrades
    reddly likes this.
  7. reddly

    reddly User

    I have never and at this stage will never do or complete this event at this stage, as the products needed are just to much. I have reached 21 level and cannot reach the amounts given. Shame, but at this stage to reach 500 bricks and 1500 logs for the first level is just a little to hard. No thanks, I will trying this event at this stage. I need my bricks for building and upgrades.
  8. _joker1974

    _joker1974 User

    I think this one is coming up soon?
    Anyways, I've looked at it once more, dispite I said before I never try it out. Due to circumstances, I think I'll give it a shot. I've done the math and planning. Hopefully the event starts 1-Jan early morning.
    Providing the following:
    -Bricks and potatoes in stock
    -8 farms maxed
    -7 mills maxed
    -7 bakeries maxed
    -4 breweries maxed
    (I'm level 53)
    I can do the bricks, logs, potatoes and kegs (start second production before completing phase 2 hand off) on day 1, and start first soy beans, so I can start the first tofu dogs runs late in the evening, providing I can collect the 600 drops/letters in 1 rent collection run.
    Second day will be soy beans and tofu dogs production. No rent collection, to save up for the 600 drops/helmets.
    Basically, you have to baby-sit the productions of all items for 2 days and save up your rent collections for the drops, to be able to collect them when you need them.
  9. billyjim

    billyjim User

    You should be able to succede with the rally handly with these resources. It is a great feeling when you complete it for the first time. Good luck. Just be cautious of the Soy bean and Tofu dogs production. I find this to be the most challenging aspect of this event. I find that it really is not required, but useful, to start the second production run of the Kegs before moving on to the next step. Good luck let us know whether you are successful.
  10. _joker1974

    _joker1974 User

    Buggah. The FAQ is wrong on the Kegs. Output is 160, and you need 160 wheat+hops not 1+1. Gonna set me back 4 hours.
  11. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Well, you need one of each for each keg. All of the FAQs are written assuming 100% production, giving the cost for one product. So you need 160 of each because your brewery is level 3, so it's not wrong on that. Never noticed it was wrong on the output, but it shouldn't set you back. You have more than enough breweries to pass the stage two in one cycle, and you can make it all easily in stage four, even if you don't start another cycle before moving onto stage 3.
  12. Marleigh

    Marleigh User

    Yes! I'm in agreement with the others. Though I enjoy a good challenge, I almost always end up having to use MM on this challenge and, even, then I have only successfully completed this challenge three times. Each time I do the challenge--I say, "never again," but then I do it because: 1. I like a challenge, 2. I need another beer garden.

    And then, following the challenge, I spend easily at least a week trying to build my inventory back up of wheat, hops, bakery items, etc. And that's getting harder as I move on in the game because my higher population means greater demands.

    Right now I'm saying, "Never again," but later I will probably decide I need another beer garden :p
  13. How hard is this challenge, just reached level 25, only have 1 brewery, how are you expected to get 1600 kegs with 40 dropping every 4hrs, I think the devs were drinking some of these kegs when designing this event.

    Totally unrealistic for a level 25 player and once more I started this event last night and there was no info on the requirements until I looked again this morning, I have already sacrificed 500 bricks for the 1st level not knowing what was ahead only to discover the amount of kegs needed this morning, it takes quite a bit of production to get a brewery to level 2 and when your at experience level of 20 or so, the demand for breweries isn't all that high so most players at that level only have 1 or 2 level 1 breweries at most, they would struggle to complete the requirements for level 15-19 let alone level 24+.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2016
  14. nennesby

    nennesby User

    Yes it is inpossible for you at lev 25, and for me at lev 28 too;-( But I think I can make Stage 1-2-and 3 without too much problems. And an advise, when you can expand to the rigth expanding there is a relative cheap prebuild brewery there. But my problem is the bakeries, I understand that older players have more bakeries, that they have got from events - hope you and I get that possibillity too....
  15. BoTo0

    BoTo0 User

    I'm level 24 and am going to do the event twice. I don't know about you but I have 3 breweries each level 2 and close to level 3 so I don't find the event that hard. The most important about the rewards are the metro money and vitamin-X. I don't see anything else worth the requirements.
  16. Boto0, at your level you would be in the minority, they need to sort out the requirements for this particular event, perhaps even read some of the posts on this thread outlining the difficulties players have, a challenge is good as long as its realistic
  17. nennesby

    nennesby User

    Yes but when you reach lev 25 it is much more difficult/ impossible with 3 bakeries....
  18. Bakeries or Breweries? ( I have 3 x level 2 bakeries as well), the kegs of beer drop from the brewery I believe.
  19. BoTo0

    BoTo0 User

    Ah good point I did a mistake. I have 3 ready to be upgraded to level 3 bakeries but my 3 breweries are still level 1.

    Anyway I find making the Tofu Dogs much harder than making the kegs.
  20. nennesby

    nennesby User

    An advise, not only for this but for all repeated events: I have made my ovn printed copy of the FAQs then when I can see an event coming up it is easy to see what I have to prepare, and I can see if it is an easy event that I can do without any problems or if it is difficult (I am only level 27 so many events seam difficult to me) so that I have to plan it....

    And yes BoToo tjose TofuDogs makes med trouble with only 3 bakeries - one lev 3 and 2 lev 2 - I have to see if I have metromoney enough to spend.... but when this event comes up next time all my bakeries will be lev 3... so maybe then

    I DID IT - this jyst to tell you that I did the event at lev 27 - I used about 500 metromoney at that I only will do this time but I wanted to try doing it:)
    Further advises: I have calculated on this event once more - it is coming up next week. My 3 bakeries are max level. And I hope to reach to have 3 level 2 breweries and 1 lev 3. In that way as I can calculate I can reach it without spending metromoney... but I have to plan it in details to be able to do it...
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2016