Feedback on Weekly: Children Festival

Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by -Wizz-, Sep 17, 2014.

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  1. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Or until BP realizes what a bad idea this kind of level-locking is for players. :rolleyes:
    reddly likes this.
  2. hi how do you post a topic like yours?
  3. Mr.Crowley

    Mr.Crowley User

    yeah I was thinking that I would never get to have it. But it's my own fault, six months after I started playing I took a break and that's when I must of missed it. Thanks any ways s.c.lynx, I am sure some new things are in our future in RC right? in fact I have a good ideal now!
  4. rapidly producing houses do not give any kiddie pictures for the last part of the event. I only have 3 hours left and only my long term producing houses give pictures......that sucks. 1 out of 100 the second and third level houses produce one if I am lucky. There is NO WAY to get to 500! Any tricks?

    Bladerunner | ID 9639495
  5. G`day Bladerunner, Any residence that has a timer of under an hour will not give out very many tickets :(
    Those residences that are over an hour give out tickets nearly every time you collect rent.
    As your city grows this will become easier to attain the amount require.
    one thing you can do is collect rent when you first log in of a morning and therefore maximise what you collect.
    Is there anything else that we can help you with on this topic :):)
  6. I apologize for double posting, I did not see your answer here. Is there a easier way to see replies to your posts that I do not know about?
    Also, I have collected every time i was able today. Unfortunately, I did not know I needed only big houses. I have about 20. So it was never in the cards that I would get 500. :-(
    Bladerunner | ID 9639495
  7. all new posts are High lighted when you enter the forum, there is also the option of watching a post.
    In the early stages of the game events need careful planning. it is wise just to do the challenges that you know that you can achieve and reap the rewards of those challenges. there is no real point in trying to get a reward that you do not really need or the cost out weighs the benefits.
    As your city grows you will find it a little easier to get further into the event.
    Good luck:)
  8. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    @Bladerunner You may not believe it, but you can get the 500 drops with nothing higher than vintage duplexes if you have several (I'd say four) of each house up to those. You do have to be able to collect rent when it's due in general though. Every half hour is best at that level because the designer homes will still drop often enough, the lower ones rarely.

    Houses higher in level will help of course, but they will push you closer to the next tier faster, which you may not be ready for when it comes around again, if you don't level past it as this event is only available to lower levels, unfortunately. If you need them though, the Brownstones will help. Of course, the faster you can get through the earlier stages, the better, but those should be doable in a day, if you have the time.
  9. Thanks.....
    I think I spent too much time piddling around with the first stage and upgrading that put me too far behind to catch up.
  10. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Time does have a way to disappear like that. All through the game you learn from doing. Sometimes you fail but you learn from the process of doing the activity.
  11. zantia

    zantia User

  12. nennesby

    nennesby User

    I have read all you wrote in this thread - and I am happy about it for in some minuts my children will have their playground - I just reached to start the event before level 15 - thanks to you all from my children.
    But I can see that your posts are old - and I am as you understand e newbee - so I persume that this event comes again and again. Is that thrue? And if it does, do you then have to start from the beginning everytime? And if jyou just can continue, is it in the same way with other events, because then I'll start as many as possible...? (I apolyqies for my English and hope you understand)
  13. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    You can never continue an event from the point you left off once it is over; you always start from the beginning when it is available again. As with any minor event it will return, however this is one of a few that you can only play below level 20 (along with the Farmer's Market [which also has changing rewards] and to a lesser degree, the Antiquity Fair, as the later only changes the possible reward). So if you want to play them again, it's best to wait, which has been stated many times is an unfortunate option.
  14. nennesby

    nennesby User

    thanks, I learn a lot.....
  15. BoTo0

    BoTo0 User

    There is wrong info in the description thread. For level 15-20 it says the last challenge gives you 25k CC(same as for level 10-14) but when I open the event description in the calendar(event plaza) it says the reward is 25k production points(which seems more believable, 25k CC is almost nothing at this point of the game).
  16. Alfreda

    Alfreda User

    How Do you start a New City?
  17. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    The only way to start a new game by signing in with a new ID.
  18. wrighty8

    wrighty8 User

    would not bother my friend, you will only get frustrated that nothing ever happens same s**t challenges very time just done the log event and for the 555 time i did it again. please for the love of god and for the sake of the children give us some room to build, i must have at least 600 different building permits but no where to put them. How difficult is it to open up a new playing field ?? i bet no one from the so called team will answer that question because that means they have to do something. oh yeah and what happened to the woman that was going to sort out all this for us cant remember her name think she was abducted by aliens !!!
  19. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    This thread is being hijacked by other comments. We need to get back to the topic of this thread, Children's Festival. If you wish to start another thread. Please feel free to do so.
  20. wrighty8

    wrighty8 User

    was just answering a question about starting a new city.