Fire Dept. quest doesn't finish

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by testwe, Mar 6, 2014.

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  1. testwe

    testwe User


    I have completed the Build a Fire Department quest, but the icon is staying in the list, with last step (Click on the fire station to put it in service) grayed out, as if not completed. I must have completed it though, since I started having emergencies. Plus, the new quest appeared, Build Police Department, but there is no police dept. in the Special tab of Designer Depot.

    I cleared Flash/browser (Chrome) cache, I even did the dishes, but nothing works.

    Any advice will be appreciated. Thank you.

    testwe | ID 6534859
  2. For the Police Department aspect, it will be rewarded as part of the quest you couldn't finish.

    The rest will be dealt with by moderators.
  3. testwe

    testwe User

    Thank you for the input, nortoncommander, I was aware of that. I was stating it is not in the Special tab of Designer Depot just to point out that the quest in question (i.e., Build Police Department) became available without the building being where it should be. This particular quest would not be available without having completed the Fire Department quest, first.

    As you say, I will wait for some constructive help from the moderators.
  4. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    You had placed your fire station without a road so it was not working.
    Try again now?.
  5. testwe

    testwe User

    Hiyah Mr Lee,

    Thank you for looking into it, but what you say is not true. The Fire station was touching tree squares of tuft, which counts as 'road' connection (and was connected to City Hall). Even with moving the station and the road you constructed, the quest still doesn't finish.

    Any other suggestions?
  6. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    You fire station showed as farmland disconnected hence my post.
    Lots of weird stuff happening at the moment, your quests are complete and you need to let your specialist drop below 10 the the academy will be triggered.
  7. testwe

    testwe User

    Hello again, Mr Lee,

    Not sure what trick you pulled from under your bandanna, but the problem seems to be solved now. Thanks a bunch.

    OP satisfied, feel free to close the thread.
  8. rohitnayak

    rohitnayak User

    it is a good game
  9. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Cheers mate pleased I was able to help.:D:D:D
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