Fire House not specializing

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by vcalemine, Apr 24, 2016.

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  1. vcalemine

    vcalemine User

    Sorry if this is in the wrong area and the only topic I found on this never really went into a fix, mostly a discussion about the person not posting their ID.

    The first firemen I ever got have never specialized. It is upgraded to level 2, none of the 4 have specialized. My police station has been upgraded for about a week and one of the newbies already specialized. Both my original medical team and policemen specialized pretty quickly but my firemen are just all still rookies Is this normal?

    vcalemine | ID 9703012
  2. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    The level of you station only affects the number of people you can staff as far as I know.

    Promotions are only offered when a specialist levels-up. Promotions are random, and in my experience the more you train them in the academy the longer it usually takes for them to get offered a promotion, but this isn't universally true. I often do not get offers until they are level seven or higher.

    Saying they have never specialized would mean to me that they are level ten and still rookies. This can happen if you refuse their promotion, but I'm not sure if they can reach level ten and never have been given the option to be promoted. I have never seen it confirmed in any case.
  3. Thanks for your excellent answer Arsuru,:)
    Vcalemine, is there any thing else that we can help you with on this topic :p
  4. vcalemine

    vcalemine User

    OK, it just seems that my police and medical staff specialized really early. The newest police officer to specialize is only a level 3 and that is about when it happened for all my specialized workers. I guess I will just keep being patient. So yes I guess it is resolved.
  5. were always happy to help nice players:)
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