Flea Market "Error"

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by KliktaxCZE, Sep 27, 2017.

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  1. KliktaxCZE

    KliktaxCZE User


    I have just completed the 2nd step of Flea Market event at Event Plaza. What I noticed, when I logged in game few hours later, that there was lying trash on the streets.

    I looked at current step of event and it tells that I need to donate teddy bears and decorative vases, specifically 200 pieces each.
    Is this some kind of error ?

    Thank you in advance for answer.
  2. Bennu

    Bennu User

    It is NOT a mistake

    In the Flea Market event, the trash appears in the third step (few), in the forth (few also) and in the fifth (a lot)

    So: if you know you won`t reach the fifth step, do not pick up the trash (the money do not return and you lose it)

    But, if you want reach to the end, pick up now and you wil have an advantage later
    Elco likes this.
  3. Elco

    Elco User


    Excellent answer from Bennu!

    If I am not mistaken, there's another event (the Classic Car Rally) where a required item (the car parts = the driving wheel) appears in small numbers to be collected, against money, on the streets before this requirement is reached.
    In this case, I would kindly advise you to start collecting those driving wheels as soon as possible simply because they are needed for the third step of this specific event. So the earlier you start picking them up, the faster you'll achieve the third step and move onto the fourth :D
  4. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Thank you both, Bennu and Elco, for excellent answers. As you answered the question so well I am closing this thread.
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