Football Euro Champs Event?

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by _joker1974, Jun 5, 2016.

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  1. _joker1974

    _joker1974 User


    I've searched the forums, nothing I could find. Looks like there will be an event during the football European Championship?
    The event plaza shows a picture with a football, and it is available in 4 days (ie, when the Euro Champs start, I think? (sorry, dont care for football)).

    Any info on this event?

  2. we are still waiting for confirmation that the event is bug free, when this is confirmed we will update everyone in the Official announcements threads :rolleyes:
  3. _joker1974

    _joker1974 User

    OK. Thanks. Will start to bulk up on stuff, you never know what we might need for it.
  4. The event has been posted have fun doing this one :D
    thread closed
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