Forum Rich Text Editor fails in IE11 on Window 7 64-bits

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by dkarl2, Nov 29, 2013.

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  1. dkarl2

    dkarl2 User

    Is it just me, or does the Rich Text Format editor not work? When I tried replying to a thread earlier, I got no text edit box to type into, just the light-blue on dark-blue grid with the Post Reply and Preview buttons.

    Took me 15 minutes or so of logging out / logging in, then poking around in preferences before I decided to turn off that editor option. At that point, when I hit reply to a thread, this basic no frills text editor box opened up.

    Has this issue already been acknowledged by BP?

    ID 6944883
  2. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    I have tested with IE11 and I could not reproduce your problem. Both rich text editor and bb code editor work fine. Try to clear browser cache if it happens again and see if issue resolves.
  3. dkarl2

    dkarl2 User

    Just retested on my PC.

    Per your suggestion, I cleared browser cache, closed IE completely, reclogged into game, opened the Forum, changed my preference to re-enable rich text editor, opened this thread, there was no edit window. Went back to preferences, re-disabled rich text editor, returned to this thread, and found this plain text edit box right away.

    I haven't done a lot of customization on my PC in general, definitely haven't added anything to IE (at least not intentionally; hoping no fly-by stuff stuck to my browser on the sly).

    Again, this is 64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium with Service Pack 1, running IE11.0.9600.16428.

    Clearly all is not lost because I can post with the internal bb editor, but you may have other, frustrated would-be users who get shut out of posting because the rich text editor is on by default.
  4. dkarl2

    dkarl2 User

    hmmm ... noticed a typo in my last message, tried to "Edit" it (which I was able to do successfully with one of my earlier posts, again using the standard bb editor), but the post wasn't enabled for editing and the "reason for edit" text box didn't show up this time (it did for my previous post).

    There is a small steely blue box in the upper right-hand corner of my browser window with 3 small vertically-oriented black rectangles flashing gray in sequence from left to right, as might a progress indicator ... is that supposed to tell me the forum editor is in the process of making post #3 editable?

    I hope for your sake that there's something unique about my system and that this isn't a symptom of larger issues with the core bb software.
  5. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    The upper right corner box is a "loading please wait" box. it means page hasn't loaded fully or your action has not finished. When first viewing a thread the reply-box is usually inactive until you click on it.

    There is also a bb code editor button bbbuton.png which you can click to switch from bbcode to rich text editor.
  6. dkarl2

    dkarl2 User

    Wow! That was an amazingly quick response, Wizz!

    Ok, am hoping I'm just being a stupid end-user, but I have no idea how you got to that screen with the formatting/editing icons.

    With rich text editor toggled on in my preferences, I see your post #5; immediately below that is a blank avatar box on the left, background grid to the right, with the "Post Reply" and "More Options..." buttons on the bottom right, just above the "Share This Page" footer section. No text entry space, no fancy icons.

    When I once again toggle the rich text editor off in my preferences, this plain text edit box immediately appears in the formerly blank-other-than-background-grid space to the right of my empty avatar box and just above those same two "Post Reply" and "More Options..." buttons.

    What am I missing?

    Using only the simple internal bb text editor, is there a way for me to post screen snippets (stored as jpg files) of what I just tried to describe to you?
  7. dkarl2

    dkarl2 User

    More quirkiness. When I turn on the rich text editor in my preferences and return to this thread, I can click on the Edit button ... an Edit Post dialogue pops up, no icons, which background, but there's no response when I try to click on the dialogue or simply type; fearing that I might completely zap my #6 post, I resorted to using the back button on my browser to return here.

    Toggling the rich text editor off yet again, I now have this reply to post text edit box to type into, but when I click on the Edit button in my post #6, that "be patient while the bb app performs some kind of task" indicator pops up in my browser window, but never actually completes whatever action it was threatening to do (well, by never, I mean it's been literally 5 minutes since that indicator first popped up after I clicked on "Edit").

    Is this a 64-bit IE versus 32-bit IE problem?
  8. dkarl2

    dkarl2 User

    sorry, that was supposed to have been "... no icons, white background, ...."
  9. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Can you please see if these things happen on a different browser?
  10. dkarl2

    dkarl2 User

    Writing this in the Rich Text Editor using Google Chrome Version 31.0.1650.57 m ... I can see all of the editing & formatting icons in this alternate editor ... so, there's an issue with 64-bit IE on Win7 SP1 :(

    And, FYI, the "Edit" option works in Chrome, too, as I just added this text after going back and editing the existing, previously saved post #10.
  11. dkarl2

    dkarl2 User

    Sorry, one last message to confirm that the "switch to plain text editor" icon in the Rich Text Editor, works in Chrome, too.

    So, Chrome's Flash rendering engine is iffy and not recommended to use when playing the game, but 64-bit version of IE breaks some of the main forum features :-(
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2013
  12. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    It does indeed look like a specific browser issue and we have no control over that.
    Please let us know if there more we can help with.
  13. dkarl2

    dkarl2 User

    Well .... don't you think that whomever is the developer of the new forum software should examine these compatibility issues? I don't believe my setup is especially uncommon (64-bit Windows 7 running 64-bit IE 11).

    More to the point, I would recommend the forum moderators create and maintain a sticky post somewhere easily discovered in the Help forum (maybe an "Unresolved browser compatibility issues" post within the Technical Solutions forum?) to track browser issues so that other users with my configuration (or other users with other know problematic software setups) are aware of the gotchas.

    That said, I won't complain if you close this current thread as I have a workaround. Thank you for discussing the issues with me.
  14. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I have already added this to our devs list to check, they can only do so if they can create the problem which is what Wizz was alluding to in his many answers.

    I will close however as we cannot do more here on the forum
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