Fuzzy math

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by daeofcal, Dec 19, 2013.

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  1. daeofcal

    daeofcal User

    I noticed the numbers (XP and Need Fulfillment Revenue) on the bouncing animation when collecting rent does not match the actual changes on the status bar at the top of the game panel. I have only seen this with Prefab and Suburban homes.
  2. Seems like only increasing tips are incorrect, but when you check the actual exp and NFR in the building then these are correctly added on the status bar. It's also incorrect for Vintage Duplexes in my city.

    What you can do if you want to bother with this is to get it on screenshots. Wizz already mentioned that they were not able to duplicate this problem.
    I can't be bothered to do it myself as this forum doesn't support direct picture upload.

    Btw this is rather tech issue then idea.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
  3. daeofcal

    daeofcal User

    Yeah, I was hoping the add media button was a direct load instead of a linker...

    Anyways, I removed the expired improvements from the improvement slots of each affected house and that seems to have corrected the error. I guess the rent collection animation is calculated by incorporating all the improvements currently residing in the improvements slots even if expired.

    I would have been a lazy bum and just referenced the variables used to update the figures on the status bar for the animation, but I'm sure the developers have their reasons for doing it this way...
  4. That's interesting idea with those expired RI. If you are sure this is the cause you can report it in tech section.
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