Game Loads Unbelievably Slow

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by G6000, May 21, 2016.

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  1. G6000

    G6000 User

    For about a month now, when I log onto the game, it takes 20 to 30 minutes to load. This is beyond stupid.

    Don't tell me it has something to do with my computer or my connection. No other site in the entire Universe loads this slowly on my computer.

    I've looked through past threads, and I see this is a longstanding problem. Looks to me that no one cares or will do anything about it. You have convinced yourselves it isn't your site. I don't know how you maintain that delusion in the face of the fact your site is the ONLY one that loads slowly on people's computers.
  2. I have checked your account and it is loading ok from where I am.
    your problem is nearly always on your end have you done any or all of the following including cleaning out your flash cache
    in the meantime I will reset your game data which should resolve your problem this time

    Could you please try the following advice below and also try logging into your Game Account to see if this helps with this issue?
    Also try to log in with google Chrome, it seems to be the browser that best supports this game

    Please delete your browser cache. We've compiled a guide on all major browsers for you here.
    • Internet Explorer 6:
    Tools --> Internet Options... --> Delete Cookies and confirm with "Yes". Afterwards, delete files (check) and confirm with OK.
    • Internet Explorer 7 + 8 (IE7 + IE8):
    Tools --> Internet Options... --> Delete Browser History ... --> Delete All... (check) and confirm with "Yes". Afterwards, click "OK" and all files will be deleted.
    • Internet Explorer 9:
    Tools --> Delete Browser History
    Remove checkmark from "Keep preferred sites"
    Add checkmark to "Temporary Internet Files", "Cookie", "History" as well as "Download History".
    Then click "Delete".
    • Firefox
    Tools --> Delete Latest History --> Add checkmark to Cache, Cookies and Visited Pages and Download History and then select "Delete All" and confirm with "OK".
    • Google Chrome
    Click the wrench icon in the browser's toolbar. Select "Tools" and then "Delete Internet Data". Add checkmark to "Delete Browser History", "Delete Download History", "Delete Cache", "Delete Cookies and Other Website and Plug-in Data" and then click the "Delete Data" button.
    • Safari
    Select "Safari" in the browser menu and then "Delete Cache". Confirm with "Empty".
    Please then close your browser, open it again and log back into the game.

    Also check if Flashplayer is updated and its cache cleaned as well.
    You cant try using a different computer to log into the game as this will also reset your cache
  3. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Unfortunately it could be and probably is your computer/connection/bandwidth usage/browser. It works fine for me on Firefox but Chrome has been slower, for example; a problem that didn't exist before but came after some update of the browser as far as I could tell. Anything like extensions changing or updating may have an effect. It's slower when I stream/download or use a lot of system resources, but it's almost always Flash cookies that cause a significant problem.
  4. Firefox also works best for me also, the one this i do everyday before closing down my computer is to clear my flash and browser cache.
    It is very rare that i have a display or login problem :D
  5. Nothing further closed
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