game not loading / disconnection issues

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by oddog, Jul 4, 2014.

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  1. oddog

    oddog User

    hi and happy Friday:) I have been having a problem staying connected for the last few days, I have tried clearing caches and history and still have trouble, I have tried Mozilla, explorer, and google chrome and they all disconnect after a minute or two, sometimes I can stay on for a long time and sometimes it is just disconnect after disconnect! I have no trouble staying on my facebook page so I am thinking that this might be a rising cities problem, can someone fix this please and thanks or tell me what I can do to resolve this issue. Also I am sitting here at 9 am on a Friday and I am not seeing any event for the weekend? wassup peeps? where is our event? okie dokie, that is all for now, thanks and I will look forward to your reply:) Colette id #5768033
    HKAnts likes this.
  2. Caduceus

    Caduceus User

    Hello oddog,

    Even if Facebook doesn't seem to be having issues, it may still be the internet on your side. You may want to try resetting your modem and router just in case.

    Make sure you also update your internet browser as well as Flash Player.

    You should open a ticket and a technical support agent will be around as soon as possible to verify that this issue is not on our end.
  3. oddog

    oddog User

    Hi: thanks for getting back to me so fast caduceus, I thought that this was the technical area, sorry about that! can you tell me where I should go to ask about this issue?
  4. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    As suggested I have now logged on as you twice with IE and Firefox and without issue.
    This would appear to indicate the problem is the internet but just in case I have reset your data resources in case your system is overloaded.
    Really hope that helps a little.
    oddog likes this.
  5. fx4life

    fx4life User

    Could a moderator check if the game is loading on their site?
    For me it freezez while loading...I have

    1) cleared the usual browser cache
    2) gone to global settings and cleared that too..
    3) and restarted the game

    The only thing I haven't done is try another browser as I don't use any other browser. I will if I know the issue is with Firefox my current browser.

    Any help is appreciated...

    fx4life | ID 1416725
  6. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Game is working fine both on my account and when i tried yours. So it must be a local issue. Please try with another browser or on another machine.
  7. fx4life

    fx4life User

    ok thanks Wizz

    Ok Now I'm worried as other browsers also having the same problem. In addition to that, it appears that there are other mayors facing similar issues...if the problem is on my side (I am doubtful) what else do I need to do...

    Pirate...if you're seeing this I read elsewhere that you solved another mayor's similar problem by resetting their system or something to that effect...
    pretty please...:)???:):D

    Anything to address this addiction:rolleyes:
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 9, 2014
  8. pandora28

    pandora28 User

    I have been trying to play the game for hours now and every time the connection lost message shows up after the map screen is loaded. I have tried 3 different browsers: firefox, opera, and chrome. I've already tried clearing the cache and restarted my computer. I don't know what else to do. This is the only page I'm having issues with, so please help me fix this issue so I can complete the event I'm currently doing.

    pandora28 | ID 6274845
  9. Lafiera4

    Lafiera4 User

    I'm having the same trouble. It's very similar to when I tried to finish the soccer event. I switch playing fields and get "connection lost" message. Over and over. I have logged out, cleared cache, flash cache etc. It's happening in both of my cities. It's happening on chrome and mozilla. It's the same problem I had with the soccer event.

    lafiera4 5641119
    UrsulaCinquetti 4980587
  10. Tcs001

    Tcs001 User

    Am having the same problem today, only now it is worse. I am just getting a blank screen or, it won't load at all. I can't even play now. I am having no problem with any other site, only this one.

    tcs001 8335285
  11. oddog

    oddog User

    Hey there: thanks so much pirate lee:) I didn't see this reply until just now, I clicked on the alerts and there it was, lol!!! I just said to my husband that I had been on rising cities all day without any issues, so frigging funny that it was you that had fixed it!!! I thank you from the bottom of my rising cities addicted heart:) cheers, colette
  12. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    We are looking into this issue.
    Please remember always to clear browser and flash cache, as extended game sessions with idle times can also cause "connection lost".
  13. fx4life

    fx4life User

    Wizz, just to keep you updated, it is finally working again for the first time today...I don't really know if this made any difference or the dev's have done something...the only extra I did was to update sure if that helps just wanted to keep everyone informed...thanks anyway:)
  14. Tcs001

    Tcs001 User

    I understand losing the connection with long idle times there is no problem with that. the problem is this site is losing the connection while loading. I have tried 10 times now this morning and can't get on. I did get on last night and had no problems.
  15. pandora28

    pandora28 User

    I was able to get on for a few hours last night but I'm experiencing the same problems again this morning. I cleared browser and flash cache and restarted my computer.
  16. fx4life

    fx4life User

    Unfortunately, this morning the game freezes while loading leaving a blank white screen...its really annoying when we cant play and know not what to do:confused::(
  17. socallivin

    socallivin User

    The game keeps saying lost internet connection. It does this on multiple computers from multiple locations and is getting worse the past 2 or 3 days. I have seen this problem on my home network and on work network with three different computers.
  18. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    As we are trying to solve this issue please try to provide as many details as you can including:

    • user id ( as shown in the screenshot above)
    • type of issue: "connection lost", "white screen", "loading screen"
    • action taken previous to this issue
    • did it happen after an idle period or during playing.
  19. oddog

    oddog User

    hello and good morning!! i am having the same disconnection issues again!! i just can't keep it on for the last two days, i was fine yesterday morning and then in the afternoon it started and lasted all night and is the same today, can you please add me to the players with disconnection issue thanks , cheers, colette, 5768033

    hello! i see that it posted for me three times, i only pressed the post reply button once as far as i know!!! sorry about the multiples but i didn't do it!!!!colette 5768033
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 10, 2014
  20. sunshineaz

    sunshineaz User

    I too, am having issues. I tried about 8 hours ago to log in and it would freeze after I clicked on the map to go to a certain part of the city. I finally gave up and went to bed. This morning, I log in and get the map, go to a part of the city and it then looses connection. I have tried with IE and with chrome. It started doing this about 24 hours ago and just got worse.

    • user id sunshineaz | ID 1148208)
    • type of issue: connection lost as I enter a part of the city on log in, white screen while trying to load the city map on log in
    • action taken previous to this issue Changed browser, cleared cache
    • did it happen after an idle period or during playing. It always has this issue so nothing new on idle. New, is that I can't even get to the city when I log in. It stops at white screen instead of map, or looses connection upon entering the part of the city chosen at map on log in.
    edit: I am not having issues with any other site and can play other bigpoint games with no problem. I have gotten in finally, and collected rent. Will see how it goes. Logging out after the rent collection.

    edit to add on July 16: This post was during an event. I posted another one today (just before this edit ) and I am also in an event. It worked great while I was not doing any event.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2014
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