Game not Loading

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by High_Road, Jun 20, 2016.

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  1. High_Road

    High_Road User


    Can you please advise if there is an issue as my game will not load?

    I have cleared the Cache, cleared data in Adobe, tried different browsers but to no avail. It's still not loading and it's during the Football Party task which I would like to complete.

    Details below:
    High_Road | ID 8930201

    Thanks and kind regards,
  2. G`day High road. I have re set your game, is your problem now resolved :)
  3. High_Road

    High_Road User

    Hi tassie-devil,

    No there has been no difference in the situation. Still won't load.


  4. Can you please fill out a support ticket and that will give us further information on your problem please :)
  5. High_Road

    High_Road User


    I have finally been able to get access to the game after about a month. I haven't changed anything on my end or updated anything. Can you please let me know what the issue was as I missed completing Football Party event as a result(I was about half way through)? Is this something to do with Miniclip as my account was originally set up with through them

    Thanks and kind regards,
  6. G`day High road, when your account was last checked it was working fine, as for you entering via mini clip we have no control in that area.
    However we do recommend that you change and login through the big point rising cities portal as over a period of time players have had problems entering through third party web sites and it is extremely difficult for us to retrieve their accounts. below is our entry portal and if you need further help please post again :):)