Game Not Loading

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by bcore120, Jul 15, 2016.

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  1. bcore120

    bcore120 User

    The game will not load for the last couple hours. It goes to the blue screen with the city image but will not go any further to the city map.

    I have cleared the cache and have tried another internet browser and it has the same issue.

    bcore120 | ID 9564656

  2. G`day Bcore, I have reset your game data:)
    Can you please advise us if your problem is now resolved thankyou
  3. bcore120

    bcore120 User

    It was able to load following your reset. Thank you for your assistance and quick response time.
  4. We are always happy to help nice players :D
    If you have further problems please start a new thread ;)
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