Game unplayable for over a month now.

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by garry58, Feb 11, 2018.

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  1. garry58

    garry58 User

    I have been unable to play my game for over a month now. Support just been saying wait for weeks.
    Heres what happened. Logged on to my level 75 game and just had a town hall waiting to be started. Reported it to support. Was asked to prove that I had a city and its levels etc. After a week the buildings reapperaed but the warehouse was empty. It is not there so I cannot produce anything, as it cannot be stored. I cannot do upgrades because I have no stock of anything. i cannot buy in the marketplace because I cant store any purchases. So the city is still unplayable for over a month now. Support just keep on saying I gotta wait.
    Feel its time to share my situation with other players.

    garry58 | ID 4732759
    misseloe likes this.
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    I see what you are talking about, your warehouse is not functioning. I have no solution for you. All you can do is keep after support to solve this issue.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2018
  3. misseloe

    misseloe User

    Did they find a solution for your city?
  4. garry58

    garry58 User

    Its still broke.
    To add insult to the situation I got an email asking me to rate support services and had they fully fixed the problem on the old support ticket. The ticket I hope is still open as its STILL unresolved! 38 Days since I could play :( Also I am not the only one with this problem
  5. misseloe

    misseloe User

    I never heard about a such impossible situation. How many players are concerned? You should send a new ticket, if they closed your ticket without fixing the situation. I hope they will find a solution asap.
  6. garry58

    garry58 User

    Game gone now. I didn't think it would be fixed after such a long time, but it would have been nice if I could have decided when to stop playing. The management have reduced the fun in playing, no special events for nearly two years now so I suppose their reduction is programming support is a logical step for them to take. So mayors take note and be able to prove the level of your city and its resources in case the same bug gets you!! Bye all
  7. misseloe

    misseloe User

    what a mess. How it is possible that they have any logs about that kind of information ...
  8. I cannot play since January the 8, and the support cannot fixe it. S I'am not playing any more. Very bad support. I have another account and that works good.