Game won't load after login

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Triwi9, Aug 28, 2019.

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  1. Triwi9

    Triwi9 User

    Sorry I posted in the FAQ section

    Hello, I tried to find a solution on my own but it's been 3 days so...

    Triwi9 | ID 10246136
    The login in is fine. Then it get stuck on the blue page. Can you help?

    Thank you!
    And thanks for this game!
  2. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Do not post in multiple threads in different ateas of the forum. The mods will have to get after you.
    When the mods reset your resources for your game. Which should allow access to the game. This process does cause your mood and power levels to be reset to their true values. So you will have to rebuild those levels back up. Let them know if you are able to log in.
  3. Triwi9

    Triwi9 User

    I'm able to access the game again, thank you!

    billyjim, thanks for the info, i don't work my way very well around this forum.
  4. billyjim

    billyjim User

    It just takes practice. Try some of the games in the forum. Mayors vs Mods, numbers in pictures etc. Have fun, that is what we are here for.