Go back to the old forum

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Dollars2, Nov 30, 2013.

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  1. Dollars2

    Dollars2 User

    This new forum is garbage on the eyes for reading posts. The text is too small, the layout is very counter intuitive and the colors clash making the eyes hurt. I think you are going to lose players simply from how the forum is laid out. I would recommend fixing these problems asap by going back to the old forums we liked better, or at least making it so the text is a standard black instead of this garbage blue color when we type.
  2. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    It simply amaze me that BP didn't let the users test this forum before it went live :confused:
    As it is now I agree go back to the old forum and complete this first before forcing us to use it :eek:
  3. dkarl2

    dkarl2 User

    If you are using the Rich Text Editor, you can set the font type, size and color yourself, although I'm not certain but believe it doesn't save your choices from session to session.
  4. super_emu

    super_emu User

    Just zoom up to the page, that fixes the small text problem. Doesnt fix the too bright background though xD
  5. Go back to old forum? :)

    Why not!

    I suspect this is one of those so called "user friendly" systems, meaning "don't think, just click" where you can only chose preset colour combinations, which were not made by any inteligent design, and you don't have any real power over what it looks like. Mostly with this you have several doesns of presets but hardly any is realy good. Often it looks like a computer desing with no regard to human aspect, and that's what it actually is - just a mindless show of options. Then some parts look good, others look total rubbish. Which is exactly the case here. :)
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2013
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