Greetings from your new CM - Fluse says "Hello"

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Fluse, Nov 11, 2015.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
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  1. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Thank you for the update. We love all of the information we can hear.
    ivy87 and Fluse like this.
  2. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    Thanks for you reaction:)

    Concerning the complaint that the cinema isn't working: If you are facing problems with some movies in the cinema, you can always contact our support team or report the problems in the threads that are provided for such issues in your language forums. It may happen sometimes that a movie isn't working correctly. Our moderator teams send us those problems with all necessary data so that we can react on it. :)

    Then I have another question.
    How long will it take for solving a problem?
    Since december 30th the cinema isn"t working, at the moment we can't see any movie at all, the cinema stays black.
    I mentioned it 15 days ago at the forum, but it still doesn't work.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 13, 2016
    MichelleStevens, ivy87 and Fluse like this.
  3. _joker1974

    _joker1974 User

    I really can't be bothered with the cinema. I am bothered by the fact we can't start the game (today).
  4. misseloe

    misseloe User

    Dear Fluse,

    what's up in the dev team ? Easter is coming in one month, hopefully they are already planning a nice event for your faithful players ;) Please keep us informed :).
  5. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    Hi Fluse,

    Since the 6th of January we haven't heard anything from you, that is 2 months ago:(
    Still nothing new to mention?
    I would think that in 2 months time a whole team would have acclompished something by now.

    A lot of the players in the Netherlands have already quit playing and there are many other who are thinking about stopping with this game.
    it really is taking to long for something to happen and really doesn't help that 'again' we don't get infomation frequently.
    MichelleStevens likes this.
  6. piche413

    piche413 User

    I haven't played this game in 2 weeks for the same reason that nothing new is happening. This game has gone stale with no expansions and the same events over and over again. That is unfortunate because I really enjoyed this game for almost 2 years.
  7. Birgi75

    Birgi75 User

    The fact, that Fluse does not write anything in this forum any more is (unfortunatlelly) the most honest answer about the state of the development that she can give.
    anoukjoris and MichelleStevens like this.
  8. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    Indeed. The silence speeks volumes.. :(
    anoukjoris and MichelleStevens like this.
  9. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    Is there something wrong that we don't hear a thing?
    I heard from our mod. that you aren't ill, so that's good.
    Or is there still completely nothing new, except that the Easterevent is cancelled.
  10. Toahc3

    Toahc3 User

    Same in Germany.
    But in German thread""Questions and Feedback to the new...." we learnt that Fluse will write here in DEV Blog in the beginning of the next month.
    We will see...
    anoukjoris likes this.
  11. Hi Fluse!

    Because I quit the game for a very long time is this my first post in the English forum. :) I have read in the German forum you will make a new message in the next weeks. I am very curious about it. :)

    This week I started to play again. And I like it again. :) But I think it will be boring again in 1/2 months with no updates. :( I dont know how it works to support a game like this but I cant understand the problem why we dont have updates for a very very long time. I am sure a lot of (paid) players quit the game.

    I started to play this game after the open beta. I mean February 2013. :) A period with every week a mainteniance with sometimes small or big updates. I think, everyone want that time back! Players sended alot of ideas for the game. You have plenty choices :p

    If Rising Cities starts to make new awesome updates like before I am sure a lot of players will come back / new players will stay. I hope your next message will be something positive, we need that. :)

    Kind regards,

    anoukjoris and daniel23492 like this.
  12. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Noordbrabant I completely agree with you. So please Fluse let us know when we can expect some new additions to the game.
    skippyroo1980 likes this.
  13. Birgi75

    Birgi75 User

    I bet, we will never again hear anything from fluse.
  14. I certainly hope that this is not the case.
    The time certainly has come where new things should be introduced into the game :rolleyes:
  15. G`day Mayors,
    Fluse has been working hard lately, She will find time to answer some of your question in the upcoming days :D:D
    Noordbrabant likes this.
  16. wrighty8

    wrighty8 User

    perhaps Fluse is lost in the game and we have to find her on one of the new islands. No wait that's silly, no new islands silly boy. or she has been abducted by aliens from another game world ?? or she was just someone that came along and pretended to be our friend for a while , now she gone. we want our Fluse back.

  17. Fluse

    Fluse Community Team Team RisingCities

    Hey there guys :)

    Fortunately, I haven't been kidnapped by aliens :eek: and I wasn't lost in the game. :DI already mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I won't be around all the time and that I will post in this thread only from here and then. Now it's time to say hello again and I am very happy to come up with some answers to your questions. :)

    Let's see... the first questions from anoukjoris are about the cinema and how long it takes to fix broken videos.

    anoukjoris told us that the cinema wasn't working. It's good to mention problems with the cinema so that we can have a look at it. But: Instead of only telling us that the cinema isn't working, we need further information. Is it that only some of the videos aren't working or are there problems with all films? anoukjoris told us that the cinema stays black. This was a more general problem and it helps a lot if you give us as much information as possible. Those problems were mentioned in the beginning of January and we solved them since then. We don't have any further mentions about it at the moment but if you still have any problems, please let us know. A detailed bug report helps a lot and our boardteams in the different language forums gather all those information and send them to us directly. :)

    To give you some background information, I would like to explain a little more in detail how the cinema works:

    I think that all of you know that we are working with different movie providers for the cinema. It's not only that we are having different providers for different countries, we also have a lot of different providers within a country. In Germany for example there are a lot of different cinema providers, in other countries, there might be less. This depends on the country; in some there's a high activity of marketing videos in online games, in others this way of doing advertising campaigns isn't very popular. This is the reason why we have a lot of videos in some countries and in others there aren't very many.

    So there's a list of providers in most of the countries. Now when you start the cinema, the first provider responds to your click. If this provider hasn't any video for us (sometimes a lot of players already watched a high amount of videos and there's none left), the next provider is contacted in the background. Then the look of the video implementation might change because of a different implementation mode. If the second provider doesn't have videos, the next one is contacted, and so on.

    It may happen that one of the providers on the bottom of the list has problems with the implementation - perhaps because it's a new one and the implementation mode has not been made correctly. Then it might happen that the film isn't displayed correctly. In this case, please contact us via support ticket or forum with detailed information about the film you tried to watch and/or the time frame when an error occurred. This helps us a lot to find out which video and which provider is concerned. It also helps a lot to mention the error, e.g. the film doesn't start, it doesn't give MM or there are other problems like the cinema stays black.

    As soon as we get your error messages, we are trying to find out which provider is concerned and we contact the responsible guys. Normally, they react really fast and they can fix the problems. Only when we aren't able to identify the correct campaign, we cannot fix the problem. o_O

    All those cinema problems during Christmas and January were nasty and we are very sorry about it. :( But please be sure that our colleagues from the marketing department worked hard to give the providers a helping hand so that they could fix the problems. Unfortunately, during the first months of the year there are always less films than usual. But now everything should work better and there are only some problems here and then with particular films. :)

    Oh my... :oops: this is already quite a long posting. I will answer to the next questions from different RisingCities language forums in the following days to avoid an even longer text now. :rolleyes:

    Anyway, I would like to say "Thank you" to all of you for supporting us with all your mentions about cinema problems and your efforts to deliver details and error descriptions. :)

    Have a great and sunny day! :cool:

    ghellinga and Noordbrabant like this.
  18. Hi Fluse!

    Wow, I am wondering how you post this all about the cinema.. :eek:

    But to be honest, I dont really care about the cinema, I just want to know more about upcoming game updates? I think I am not the only one on that...
    anoukjoris likes this.
  19. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    Thanks Fluse for answering the problem I posed the 5th of January about the cinema.
    The cinema is working perfectly for the last 2 months, so the problem was solved a long time ago, thanks for that.
    I'm hoping you will bring us some news about new updates and new land.
    That's news we are waiting for for almost 2 years!
  20. Birgi75

    Birgi75 User

    Todays answer from Fluse was as good as no answer.

    Instead, you should have said. "Sorry people, no news."

    When you talk about the cinema, it feels as if you show me the finger.
    anoukjoris likes this.
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