Greetings from your new CM - Fluse says "Hello"

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Fluse, Nov 11, 2015.

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  1. billyjim

    billyjim User

    We will probably get the usual answer: "Fluse has been terrible busy and has nothing to report on".
  2. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    This I believe
    This not so much :(
  3. I think Fluse must be lurking somewhere in big point :rolleyes:
  4. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    I think she quit her job because it's no fun to keep telling everybody that there is still nothing new.
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    No I beleive we still have Fluse around. Because if we had a new CM then we would have had another Welcome letter.
  6. wrighty8

    wrighty8 User

    I think she has joined another game because NOTHING ever happens or changes on this game. so she got bored and joined candy crush or mobile strike

    Wrighty8 46587160 I think does anyone check or care any more !!!
  7. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Well, that's assuming there actually is a new one in the case of the old one no longer being with us. But, hey, there is enough negativity here already. While it may not be nice to correspond with a bunch of negative players, it is part of the job. For my part, I've usually tried to remain serious, patient and less whiny than some, but, there are limits to how long one can politely leave questions unanswered (though I understand the lack of a need to respond to people asking repeatedly "Is it new yet?").

    Not that I can blame people. I'm spending less time on this game myself recently, though I don't blame the game itself nor the lack of updates. The apparent lack of regard in addressing what seem to be simple questions I think plays a part (and is a more significant matter in my opinion), but I also have other things to do.

    I've reached level 75 recently and sadly, I can no longer obtain the New-England Colonials that I like so much, but I still have things I would like to do in my city. I've made a few other cities to try different things, but, honestly, I just have no motivation to play them. I've still been playing events on my main city, but I failed the most recent Classic Car Rally because I simply forgot that I was running it and didn't care enough to check. I think I totally missed the last Biker's Rally. It's not like I need the rewards, but I still find it a bit sad.

    At least with the Birthday Tower it finally looks like a properly-made building has been added, even though, from the pictures, the top does look remarkably similar to the Rustic Villa in layout and design. But even if it does recycle something they at least did a good job with it.
  8. piche413

    piche413 User

    I haven't played for a while now and as I can see there has not been any changes. No news from the higher ups as far as news and no expansion either. The events are still the same. I just got bored with the same ole same ole. Same events week in week out. When I first started the game I really enjoyed it and spent money to get further along but you can only get so far. I can't build any more unless I want to spend more of my own money.
    wrighty8 likes this.
  9. Fluse

    Fluse Community Team Team RisingCities

    Hello everybody,

    I just would like to come around because a lot of you are waiting for answers. Like I already said so often in this thread, I will come around and give information and updates when there's something new to tell you. At the moment, the team is still working on what I already explained in my former posts. So there's nothing new to tell you. I am sorry. :(

    We know that you are impatient and that you are longing for some news. But I didn't make any promises before nor did I say that I will be around every week or every month. The only intention of this dev blog was to keep you updated about some new insights behind the scenes when something important happens. But the developers are still working on the code and we are still not at the point that we can implement some new lands or other new content - except a new building here and then.

    We did this for our birthday event successfully with a new birthday building and we already got quite a lot of ideas from you, our players, that could be used for something new. But at the moment, our internal content integrating tools as well as the code base aren't trustworthy at all. We are doing tests, and everything works. We are doing the same tests again, and it breaks. :eek:

    At the moment, we cannot risk to break the game by integrating new content. This is a challenge for us. And this is why at the moment, we are very careful with promising new things.

    Integrating new levels is not a really good idea when there's no new content that is integrated as well. This is why we want to create game extentions that are working for you - with good content and challenges to make gameplay fun again.

    Please understand that at this point of the background work, we will not give so much information to you like you want us to do. Because simply, this technical work on the code will not be published for a wide public. And this is also why we won't answer to very detailed questions that were asked here in this thread.

    But be sure that we are having a lot of ideas and plans about how to improve the game and make it fun again. This is the reason why we are investing so much time and effort into this game.

    Since a lot of you expect regular information in this thread even if I said that I will only come around here and then, we will close it until there's something new to report from behind the scenes. We are very happy about everyone who stays with us during this long waiting period. :) Thank you very very much for your patience and for your loyalty. :)

    As soon as this hard period of groundwork is done and we see light at the end of the tunnel, we will come back to you with new information. :)

    Kind regards

    Arsuru likes this.
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