Home Prices Rise to Cash?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by LaNella, Mar 24, 2016.

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  1. LaNella

    LaNella User

    Hi I recently started playing Rising Cities yesterday, so I'm quite the noob. Anyway, I noticed that after repeating the process of purchasing the same home, the price changes from coins to cash. Does this stay permanent, or do I have to level up or something for the cost the change back to coin currency? In addition, I was curious on how I've seen big cities with many, many homes. How do they get so many homes? Do they save up cash?
  2. Once you have used all the permits that you can purchase with coin, then you have the opportunity to buy more for mm, with every purchase the price of mm will increase slightly till you reach the upper limit,
    I would suggest the being a new player you save as much of your mm till much later in the game as there are many residences that will become available as you progress up the levels.
    have fun building your city:):)
  3. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    You can also win additional permits from events, booster packs and the loot-o-matic as well. Once any such obtained permits are used, you will again have the option to use MetroMoney to obtain more. Any permits bought with MM can be placed without CityCredits or materials for the first level of that building the first time you place it, and if demolished can be built again using CC and materials as normal.
  4. Thanks Arsuru as always your spot on.
    Is there anything else that we can help you with on this topic LaNella:)
  5. Nothing further here closed :)
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