hospital or academy missing

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by CONTROLLER99, Dec 11, 2013.

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  1. I am currently at level 22. Do you have to be at a particular level before hospital and academy become available? Firestation was available and police station had to be added by support.....

    Can anyone help?...

  2. There was some funny sequence of quests easily skipped, which was supposed to bring academy. I think you had to let one of your emergency personel drop to zero contracts, which triggered the Academy quest. Hospital also comes as a result of series of quests. I pointed to that problem some time ago on old forum, and I think I have the quest sequence somewhere. I'll try to find it for you when I have time, unless somebody comes with better answer first.

    EDIT: Easier to find then I thought. Read through the following thread to see if you can find some help in it.

    Can't get to the quest sequence right now though. This will have to wait a little.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
  3. thanks norton for your input :) hmm i read the sequence of threads and it ended in what looked like a little apathy on page 2 :) :) i think a problem lies in there not being a hospital or academy being shown on the specials tab at all....... perhaps this needs a bigpoint admin/support to fix .....?
  4. Yes, you might need tech support to fix it, especially if you have done all Emergency coaching quests and you still don't have them. These buildings are "reward" for coaching ERS quests, they are not in specials tab from the start. I will still try to find my record of which quest gives which building, unless Pirate comes with another fix. :)
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
    CONTROLLER99 likes this.
  5. yeah, well, I think I will leave it to Pirate. :)
    My logs say you should already have both Police Department and Hospital as they are reward for quest "Build Fire Department", which you have already finished if I understand you well.

    Just for the record: All Emergency buildings and quests should become available starting from level 10 through to level 12. (unless they changed it again without advice - usual disclamer)
    CONTROLLER99 likes this.
  6. thanks NC. i will wait for what pirate can say/do :)
  7. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Am I dealing with you in two threads??? please stick to one as my old brain cannot duplicate replies easily these days.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
    CONTROLLER99 likes this.
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