How to make my policemen smarter?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wliiatapiocatern, Mar 29, 2014.

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  1. My police department can't seem to accomplish anything correctly, and it hasn't been improving. My fire department was like that at first but after a day or two they got the hang of it. My police department on the other hand seems to be full of Barney Fifes.
    Is there something I should be doing, or are they just particularly...slow?
  2. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Going form rookie to speciation is random. Every time they level up they get a changes. If you have rotten luck they will stay rookie "forever". The only thing you can do is to send them on missions so they level up.
    Did this answer you or was it something else?
  3. How are your donuts supply?
    Maybe they have been eating too many donuts that have slowed them down?
    All joking aside, going from rookie to a speciality is totally random.
    Sometimes it may happen at level 2, sometimes level 9. You just never really know.
    It will happen. Eventually.

    As a side note, some specialities are more common than others, which is also worth taking into consideration.

    Thanks TellusXIV for your helpful answer.
  4. Thank you everyone, I thought I should just wait but I also thought I would double check in case. Thanks again! ;)
    But I will check into some Bavarian cream donuts, yum! lol. :p
  5. Glad to help.
    Thread now locked.
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    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

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