How to reboot server?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -dormouse-, Jan 17, 2016.

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  1. -dormouse-

    -dormouse- User

    Hi. I have the same problem with the supersonic ad in the Cineplex - been there blocking it for well over a week and this is the second mystery building event I can't do because of it :(

    I read your other post to the person with the same problem and followed all the instructions but it's still there. One of your instructions was "shut down the game and reboot server or try a different server"; how do I do that?

    I'm in the UK and ID is ID 9561355.

    Many thanks

  2. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    That was probably badly worded: you, personally, cannot reboot any server involved in the game by any legitimate means, as they are remote computers that are running the game or giving you the ads. Messing with them would require some hacking. You, personally, are very unlikely to have a server as they aren't usually household computers, and if you did it would be very unlikely that it would affect anything regarding the game. You can't change game servers either as far as I know, other than logging in from a different part of the world.

    Supersonic Ads have always had problems in my experience, and more so than others, so I can only guess someone there doesn't do things correctly. It's also just after the holiday season and there are usually less ads available at this time, so chances are there just isn't a new ad available and that one hasn't been cycled out properly.
    sams264227011a and s.c.lynx like this.
  3. -dormouse-

    -dormouse- User

    Mod sclynx gave that reply! I thought it was something I couldn't do - I'm no hacker. I managed to get one ad through tonight but then it was back again; a slight glimmer of hope.

    Thanks for replying.

  4. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    It's nothing the mods can do either. Likely, only the server technicians will be able to do such a thing. I'm not sure it would solve any issues anyway. I'm only getting one to four ads most of the time myself lately, and I usually have all ten. There will probably be more ads in a few weeks. There are always events and booster packs to get you a few free MM otherwise.
  5. Thanks for your Excellent reply Arsuru :)
    Doormouse,in response to your question I have reported the problem with this ad before and I will include it again in my weekly report.
    Is there anything else that I can help you with on this topic :)
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