I am posting a new post about cinema malfunction because i need my post to be seen

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by joeymamaluch, Dec 11, 2013.

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  1. This is not the first time this has happened but this is also not the same malfunction....First the latest malfunction was just now. I went to watch a movie to get mm and the screen that comes up that the video shows in and it says get reward at bottom right, well that popped up but no movie played and when i went to x out it said if you don't finish watching the movie you wont be rewarded your mm...The problem is there was no movie being played to watch...I tried again and the same thing happened so i didn't use my last and final movie ticket....This is also not the first time I have had problems and seeing as how it is free mm giving for watching adds i didn't post about this, but this has been happening too me since this feature came out...I have lost about 10-15 movie tickets...I have also had problems were it will say now movie is available at the moment but will still charge me a ticket.....Can someone please help with this situation because i don't think its fair to get charged movie tickets and not receive a reward
  2. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    First up this is a free feature you are not and never have been charged for a ticket not for any part of the feature.

    I am sorry this is not yet working for everyone and from a personal standpoint I would like the feature removed until it works 100% but that is just me.

    The team are working with the externals to get the issues fixed but until that is done there will be problems for everyone in the game.
    At this point the general consensus is that a part working feature is better than nothing at all, I disagree but the feature is still up and running but not 100%.

  3. I know mate. It's better for us gamers as we get at least something, even if with strugle sometime. It's horrible for you, as you have to deal with all these complaints without having a quick fix to answer them. Are you a bit of a perfectionist? I can relate to that as I used to be one for many many years. .... lol ..... Now I could tell you what it is like to be free.

    Anyway, it bears repetition that most everybody here really really appreciates your help. :) Thumbs up!

    PS: Keep in mind it's just a game :D :D :D
  4. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Lol mate you got it in one I hate things that do not work correctly hence my tendency to nag the team for problems and fixes.

    Having said that they too are working very hard to get these issues resolved and I understand to players that half a free feature that gives at least some reward is better than none.

    For that reason alone it is worth me keeping my opinions to myself on this feature...:rolleyes:.
  5. Im sorry but I have to say something because again I see this "free" tossed around. Its not free. This game is free but this game gets people to pay them for us to watch a ad for them. We did that by watching the ad and all I ask is we get paid what we was told would get paid. Im sure these companies are paying them for us watching these movies. Please stop thinking its a free thing. Its not we are watching ads for their game.
    PS Now if they are not getting paid for us watching these ads let me know please.
  6. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I am sorry but this is a free feature you are not paying for it and they do not pay Bigpoint they pay you direct.
    Like I said earlier this is a way of people getting money for a service, that service is not working correctly but people at both sides are working to fix it.

    Posting here day after day will not an cannot change what is happening if you or anyone else is unhappy with the feature please remove your theater until the problems are solved.
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