I can not play

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by MICRO10, Sep 12, 2017.

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  1. MICRO10

    MICRO10 User

    Hello, I can not play. I am ID 1249470
  2. Natkompf

    Natkompf User

    A little bit of more information should be good.
    If You use Firefox, and have problem with "mouse does not point where it shoul!", than try this:

    So, open a new "window" in firefox, and write: about:config
    After pressing enter, there will be a warning message, but be brave and click the button under the message.
    On the new page write (or copy it from here) to the search line: dom.ipc.plugins.asyncdrawing.enabled
    As you found it, with double click change the "value" (not sure it is called "value" in the English version, my Hungarian firefox shows this:), but on the right side) from "TRUE" to "FALSE".

    Than restart the browser.

    Hope it helps:), and this was the problem, You had
  3. MICRO10

    MICRO10 User

    Yo uso CROMO. Lo que pasa es que entrar y dar un vecindario recibo la rueda que gira y gira sin parar. I do not know English and I'm using a translator.

    New Después de tres shoras ya funciona para mí. Pueden cerrar.
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 13, 2017
  4. Natkompf

    Natkompf User

    If I understand well, than the problem solved:D

    Si entiendo bien, que el problema resuelto:D (google translatoro_O:cool::D)
  5. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Natkompf - Thank you for your help. now that the issue appears to be resolved. We are closing this thread.

    MICRO10 - Postings in this section must be in English, also the prefered method of adding a comment to a previous post is to edit that post. Double posting is not allowed.
  6. Kortes

    Kortes User

    Kortes | ID 3029949 no loading
  7. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Kortes - I loaded your game with no issues and went to all play fields and collected some rents for you. The only possible cause I can come up with is an internet connectivity issue, between you and the servers. If this continues to be an issue try a different browser and or computer.