I need power

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by nennesby, Oct 12, 2016.

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  1. nennesby

    nennesby User

    I am now lev 31 and needing power is my worst problem. Untill now I got new powerplant admissions enough from event but now I need power.
    I have several solutions but maybe someone could give me an advise to choose the best solution?

    Use my metromoney? And if so, for what? By the landlot with a waterpowerplant? By another coalpowerplant?
    Collect coins enough to by a waterpower?
    Do you by nuclear powerplants when you reach the level?
  2. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    I wouldn't buy anything with MM, there are plenty of other options
    Antiquity Fair event gives you free coal-fired plants and the circus event gives you small reactors
    Did you activate the hydropower dam on the mountain playfiels already? If not, I would start with that
    You could build hydro power plants but they need a lot of tiles. In the meantime you could try to win some more coal plants and build those

    Nuclear power plants have the best power to space ration of all power plants, building them is a good idea

    And because every little bit helps: you can use improvements (like the grill) in your high-power buildings. Saves about 20-30 power at a time
  3. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    A great answer BigWillem1. I beleive you hit all of the good points. The choice is up to you and the type of community you wish to have.

    The Hydro Power Plant is the most powerful power generator in the game at 2500 [​IMG] and it does not take any of the building land plots. It was a great deal and created a lot of excitement when it first comes available. Check out the following link and decide on your best solution.

    The hardest time for most players is between levels 29 and the upper 30's. Mayors are faced with limited resources and high demand for materials, money, and power. Have fun buiding your city.

    I have also moved the posting to general questions. Beginers Guide is meant to be used for sources of information for the beginners not for game questions.
  4. nennesby

    nennesby User

    Thanks for your always helpfull advices;-)

    And some of it I can use.... I already use the coalplant and small-ones from the events - but still need power.

    No I did not activate the hydro power dam in the mountins - to expencive to reach ...

    Yes I must try to use the improvements more efectively......
    sams264227011a likes this.
  5. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    Yes it is, but it is well worth the price. You will be free of power probems for months
  6. BoTo0

    BoTo0 User

    I disagree with BigWillem1 about using MM for power. Wind farms are cheap and take low amount of happiness. If you need small amount of energy 200-400 until you can reach the hydro dam you can buy few of them(they do cost MM). However with every purchase the price goes up - the third costs 654 MM.
  7. billyjim

    billyjim User

    The choice is completely up to you nennesby. But BigWillem1 is correct it is difficult to earn MM's and it is a slow process, unless you are buying them. Therefore, the use of MM's are at your discreation. Think before you use them up and try to keep everything in balance. The best and greatest power solution is to get to the hydro power plant in the mountains.
  8. _joker1974

    _joker1974 User

    Hydro powerplant. If I recall correctly, you need the lowest land plots in the upper part of the mountain playfield, and build road to it. It might cost you a few million CC to buy the land plots, but it's the best thing in the mountain playfield. Mountain houses are so-so in CC gain, and cost huge amount of power and mood.
    You get 2500 power in 1 bang. Then you can wait til you level up to nuclear powerplant. The coal plants take too much space in the long run. I have rebuild them 2 times to move them from one playfield to another, because unfortunately, you can't move them (like shops and houses). So, think ahead with coal plants where you put them.
  9. nennesby

    nennesby User

    Thanks thanks - I am approaching the hydro power plant directly but it is expencive... but great advises from you all...

    Why did you want to move them to another playfield?
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2016
  10. How to move coal plant to another playfield? I try it, but can't put at inventory :) any sugestion?
  11. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Certain structures can not be moved from one play field to another in your city. Power plants are one of them, Production facilities are another. This is the way the game was designed. I act like this was done to simulate real life. In the modern era with enviromental restraints and legislation restrictions. It is extremely expensive to move these features. Therefore the game simulates this by requiring you to bulldoze the structure and re-build it from scratch in the other play field.
  12. that's a good idea, I never use bulldoze for buildng before :) thx you s.c.lynx
  13. RobertEarl

    RobertEarl User

    Does anyone know the consequences of falling short on power?
  14. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    You produce 25% less in the production facilities (e.g. 12 lumber instead of 16)
    If pwer drops further you produce 50% less
  15. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Thank you once again BigWillem1.