I need rolls;-(

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by nennesby, Nov 24, 2016.

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  1. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    I believe that Cotewa did not want to collect rent and use up the supplies in the commercial buildings. So Cotewa can stock pile the materials.
  2. Cotewa

    Cotewa User

    That's right. I was still collecting rent from buildings without commercial buildings, but only collected from selected building where I needed supplies. Now I don't need to worry about running out, because before I had the same problem as you (nennesby) have/had. I was constantly in danger of running out of rolls and donuts. Raspberries were also difficult, because I needed potatoes and a lots of wheat as well.
    And in regards to upgrades and building materials: I was tired of wanting to upgrade and having to wait a week or longer to have everything together. That's why I stopped for a while to produce first and then upgraded the whole lot at once. The surplus I could sell on the market and thanks to the fact that I now have to wait to fulfill the upgrade requirements, I have plenty of time to produce all necessary materials for when the next upgrade is due.

    Sadly I feel forced to refill, because I have several high earning buildings on level 3 and 4 and there it's quite a difference between fulfilling needs and not. That's why I stopped collecting rent only from low level, and therefore low income buildings and building where I can't complete a challenge due to missing improvements.
  3. nennesby

    nennesby User

    Aha, you do the same thing as we do - but you explain it in another way. JUst about selling things I disagree;-)
  4. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    I guess I still don't understand :(. But that's allright
    Why won't you collect rent from buildings even if all the shops atound it are empty? Or if you're missing an improvement?
    You will always collect base rent (and experience)
  5. Cotewa

    Cotewa User

    Because they were not empty. And having had nearly 6m PP, I concentrated purely on production for about two weeks before starting to collect rent from selected buildings to keep a high level, because of my future plans for the city. Since I was still selective, I could produce a nice stock of farm and bakery products.

    I also had a nice amount of CC and didn't needed the rent necessarily. Selling a few products on the market, helped me to gather enough CC to not worry about upcoming investments either.

    The only thing I neglected were bricks, because I didn't expect the future need as high as it actually appears. But other than this- I mean there is not much to do anymore other than upgrading buildings and collecting rent to level up. The only thing I have left to do is to grow more and exchange some of the low income and low drop rate buildings with the new ones available and change the city from being effective to looking nice.
  6. wrighty8

    wrighty8 User

    it would be great if we could control how much we could produce in each factory. for example Wheat costs 270 Production Points and gets you 960 pieces after 6 hours 30 mins. if we could change the amount of Production Points to what we want. say 810 PP would get us 2430 pieces of wheat in 19.5 hours off of one farm. i am not sure how this would work properly but i have 131,735,105 Production Points and 7 farms and 5 bakeries and 4 brickyards and 5 sawmills imagine how much stock i could make with those bad boys !!!!
    Wrighty8 4658170 maybe?? cant remember sorry
  7. nennesby

    nennesby User

    why do you only have 4 brickyards?
  8. wrighty8

    wrighty8 User

    i actually have 6 Brickyards typing error sorry. 4 of them at max but 2 of them are at level 1.
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