I would like to see...

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by Artisan, Mar 23, 2016.

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  1. Sargent

    Sargent User

    .........and here it is.......LAKE TAUPO (x 3)




    I would like to see the AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL LIBRARY
  2. FeeBee10

    FeeBee10 User

    Sargent likes this.
  3. Sargent

    Sargent User

    So what would you like to see now FeeBee10?
  4. FeeBee10

    FeeBee10 User

    Sorry! .... I would like to see .... The Shard (London)
    Sargent likes this.
  5. Sargent

    Sargent User

    and here it is ..... THE SHARD in LONDON ............not ONCE.............

    [​IMG] ............ not TWICE .........
    EEE ......


    ................but THREE times ..... extra value for sure :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::D:D:D:D

    So, whoever picks up this thread, I would like to see a picture of the main square in the city, town, or village where you live (and don't forget to tell me where it is!!)
  6. FeeBee10

    FeeBee10 User

    [​IMG] My small town in Hertfordshire just north of London - I would like to see where Sargent lives!
    Sargent likes this.
  7. Sargent

    Sargent User

    well ....... here it is .........my real city.............





    I would like to see a Ludwigs fairy tale castle .............
  8. FeeBee10

    FeeBee10 User


    [​IMG] Inside and out!
    I would like to see ...... Fort Knox
    Sargent likes this.
  9. Sargent

    Sargent User

    FORT KNOX .................... (outside only and rather underwhelming!) .......:D:D


    OK ....... I would like to see Wagner's Opera House.............
  10. FeeBee10

    FeeBee10 User

    Rather underwhelming indeed!
    This is however ... most definitely not! ... Enjoy!
    I would like to see ..... Mount Everest
    Sargent likes this.
  11. Sargent

    Sargent User

    Just as you wish ...... the home of Gods and Monsters (and far to many foolish tourists!)




    .........and speaking of Gods, I would like to see an image of Brunnhilde's father..............
  12. FeeBee10

    FeeBee10 User


    Is this it??
    I would like to see ..... A thunderstorm
    Sargent likes this.
  13. misseloe

    misseloe User

    I would like to see a tornado
    Sargent likes this.
  14. FeeBee10

    FeeBee10 User

    I would like to see ....... A diamond ring
  15. Sargent

    Sargent User

    It sure is FeeBee10, well done. Brunnhilde's father is the God 'Wotan' who places her in a ring of fire for going against his wishes. It's a long and convoluted story!!

    ............a Diamond Ring...............(or 2)

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I would like to see a character from 'The Scottish Play' ..................
  16. FeeBee10

    FeeBee10 User

    Yes Sargent, I read all about it when I was searching for the picture! Interesting story huh .....
    I would like to see ..... A bunny rabbit.
    Sargent likes this.
  17. Sargent

    Sargent User

    hehe..........well this is a 'wabbit' in pink...............


    ........and here is a real bunny rabbit with pink (and white) flowers...........


    I would like to see a grand stage setting for Verdi's "Cairo" opera.................
  18. FeeBee10

    FeeBee10 User

    I couldn't find an opera called "Cairo" by Verdi ... Shame on me! ..... so here is 1) Aida and 2) The Cairo Opera House ..... hope they are a good substitute!?
  19. Sargent

    Sargent User

    It was a little cryptic perhaps, but as it turns out both your pictures are linked. Verdi wrote his grand opera 'Aida' for the (then) new opera house opened in Cairo in 1869. The work was first performed there on December 24 1871. Clearly the house has been updated !!

    So, what would you like to see next??
  20. FeeBee10

    FeeBee10 User

    Ahh, ok, I see ..... I got so carried away with Verdi that I forgot to say what I wanted to see next!
    I would like to see ...... The Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas ......