In praise of the Cinema

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Hipshot, Dec 18, 2013.

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  1. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    Sure there are some problems with the Cinema, but it's free. Free is good. So what if I miss getting a few FREE MM, I get more than I miss out on. Free is good.

    Yesterday, I had the one that ran and then I had to 'like' it on facebook before it would give me the reward. I hate 'liking' things on facebook, but I wanted the 1 MM so I went ahead an liked it. I was rewarded with five, count it, five MM. Then I went and checked facebook, it didn't update anything on facebook because it didn't know who I was over there. Heh, heh.

    It may be a bug, it may have glitched somewhere in the process between vendors; I don't care. I got 5MM free.

    Don't you dare fix it.
  2. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    I disagree with the free part but other then that, and I may get shot for this, I think it is working better then expected.
    Sure I have got some blanks but with a system as complicated as this its not to bad.
    For me at lest I have noted an clear improvement over time so obvious BP is working on it.

    Today I got a blank (the first in a week) or so I thought, after more then 5 min I got a congrats here is your 1MM and indeed I really got it. So some patients may be in place.
  3. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    The cineplex still has a way to go before it is perfect but the message I am getting from most players is that it is better to keep the feature going than take it away until everything works perfectly.

    The big problem seems to be lag between the provider and the players account so I am hopeful this can be resolved soon.:rolleyes:
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