Inaugural Farmer's Market Quest

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Daedalus89, Jan 14, 2014.

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  1. Daedalus89

    Daedalus89 User

    Hello! I apologise for the long post ahead.
    When I first started this game, after I placed the Event Plaza but before the Inaugural Event task appear on the left, there was an Event icon on the right side of the screen (above the hire rent collector's icon) and I clicked it. I chose the farmer's quest and started it.

    So when the Inaugural Event Task icon appear and I clicked on it, I saw I had made a mess of this task, because it wouldn't tick the 2nd (Choose the Farmer's Market) and the 3rd steps (Start the Farmer's Market quest) although I already did. In fact, I succeeded in Completing the quest (I have the giant strawberry!:)) and it registered that by giving me a tick for the 4th step (Complete the FM quest). But the icon wouldn't disappear and I can't collect the rewards MM and EP because it did not register the 2nd and the 3rd steps.

    I continued with the game trying to ignore that icon. I reached level 15 and found that farmer's market came back and I could finally get rid of the icon! But I failed to finish the quest in time :( even though I used real money to buy X-pressos.

    I have been holding back the development of my city and my level-ups because I want to participate and finish the FM. If only the inaugural quest registered the first participation and completion of the quest! I would be glad if you can sort my problem out.

    Thank you.
    ID 7562029
  2. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Poof,as the genie would say your wish is my command, the quest is complete.

    Daedalus89 likes this.
  3. Daedalus89

    Daedalus89 User

    Needless to say I am delighted! Thank you very much for your help! :D
    Thumbs-up for your great work!
  4. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    As always it is a pleasure to help nice people like you.

    Have fun and take care.:D:D:D
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