Increased Production

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wizardelo, Dec 2, 2013.

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  1. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    What is constantly forgotten is that increased production will increase the need for mood and power. If they advance it like they do for residences, they'll need to allow more power plants that will take more space and create higher level decorations that will take more space. Now that you don't have enough space, they will have to create more space that will need more residences and commercial buildings.

    But, that aside, the elimination of expresso as a form of time saving, makes increased production an obvious need that mastery could help. Now, if you can figure out a way for Bigpoint to make money on it, you might have a chance of them doing it.
  2. All is interconected as you say. So shall we campaign for X-presso back? :) No, I will wait and see. It's all too upset now and we don't know what their next step will be.

    Anyway, power plants upgrade has been suggested several times already. :)
  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Everything is connected. If you change one factor removal of x-presso slows down production leads to slow down of growth. Therefore if you want to keep growth at close to same level you need to increase ability to produce more.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  4. In the meantime, I'm just going to sit back and stockpile what I can, upgrade what I can, and ween myself away from the game ... I've been spending too much time with it anyhow.
  5. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    bricks are now at a whopping 1400 CC ea lowest price!!!! which is crazy, considering that 2 months ago they were under 1k
    i think the most to suffer are construction materials, while you can choose not to buy/produce enough to feed your residents. you cant stop building, that's means stopping to play, since there isn't much else to do...
    i mean how many times can you rearrange same buildings before you get fed up. and just collecting and stockpiling must be boring as hell.

    and yea i know you can MM construction.... and now MM'ing each stage might even have its benefits, especially if you want to skip some nasty material (lets say tiles) that take a month but is it really the way to go?

    give us something to help material production and construction.

    also on another note. i've noticed that offers almost disappear for a certain good if its required for event. i've seen a total of 3 lumber offers during circus... and now 3 beer offers during rock festival... that has to proof that market isn't capable of sustaining the demand.
  6. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Sounds like it is time to start selling lumber and bricks. A classic bubble scenario to me.
  7. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    whats a bubble scenario? :)
  8. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Sorry a situation were a market gets over bought and prices start to rise out of proportion to true values. Best example was the world economy of the late 1920's followed by the great depression. More recent examples are: The US housing bubble in 2005 to 2008; The world wide Tech bubble in 2000. In all of these situations the prices of the products rose to unrealistic high levels. Eventually followed by over production and collapse of the markets and prices. The dark side of uncontrolled capitalism.

    We are in a situation in the game where the developers have created a shortage of products in the market place. Reducing our ability to produce excess product to sell. Therefore, the inclination of the mayors is to horde our resources rather than sell them in the market place. yielding in shortages, causing prices to go up. This is causing prices to spiral out of control. Eventually the market will adjust to the new situation. I just think there is a bit of hysteria in the pricing at this time. That is what I meant about a bubble scenario.
    Andrewjf likes this.
  9. brucenic

    brucenic User

    The price of bread might be a bubble ( I don't understand why anyone is buying it at current prices ) but there is a genuine and real shortage of construction materials.
    The limited number of transactions in the market shows how truly broken the supply/demand chain is in RC.
    There are currently only 3500 offers of construction materials; how many people play this game globally?
  10. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    @billyjim: tnx for the explanation i understand now, you are completely right

    @brucenic: its obvious that excess goods are a very small part and its sold instantly on the market. what is a market good for if there isnt anything to buy

    the fact that some goods completely vanish during an event shows without doubt that most players are unable to produce enough to sustain or even do events. and thats just bad game mechanics.
  11. the manufacturing output definately needs to be tweaked as well as further upgrades with the new playfield being introduced in May will only put further pressure on the problems the market is now experiencing
  12. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    Meanwhile I'm making a fortune off the market.
  13. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Hipshot I know you are. I am one of your struggling customers. You greedy capitalist. :D:D:D:D The only way to go.
  14. You wouldn't believe it! :) But since I applied my back burner gaming strategy, I'm not struggling with slow production speed. :) I actually built about 15 houses (appart from the free ones) to speed up my students collection, yet my stock suffered no harm at all. Of course I overdid it, if you care to ask, so my student collection ended much faster then my workers drops. :) So I guess there is no need for production increase, hm? :)

    eh, rest in peace. Just kidding. But seriously, it's not that bad .......... lol
  15. McChicken

    McChicken User

    I would like to have production increase I'm not online most of the day only in the evenings because I have school. So event are impossible for me ( I'm lvl 35 atm). I don't play the game so often any more because:
    A: My building materials can't keep up with my growth.
    B: There are just a shit ton of events I preferred the once in a week system.
    Now it's like "ow this event again, I've seen this one already a hundred times might as well skip it".

    The game for me has lost most of its appeal.
    Events aren't special anymore.
    I'm short on almost everything (except tomato's, beer and flowers).
    I still play it because I came this far and invested money in it.
    But if they were to reintroduce the one time a week event I think most of the production problems would be solved. And then finally the spam of events would stop. And I would be able to reach the end of an event.
  16. I don't fully understand your complaint. What prevents you from doing just one event a week or even less if you wish so? Just chose one, skipp the other. All problems solved. :)
  17. McChicken

    McChicken User

    I knew people would say that but events get spammed so much.
    That they aren't special anymore.
    Do you still look forward to the event nortoncommander?
    Or find them special. I don't like playing the game so much anymore because this was one of the fun things in the game the events.
    I could skip events but what would be fun in that.
    But it's my opinion and the problem isn't solved for me with just skipping events.
    So I appreciate your solution nortoncommander but no it's not solved :)
    wizardelo likes this.
  18. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    .. and in the end just skip all the game completely... im sorry but i refuse to be removed from this game. and will fight until the bitter end on this forum to get what we want.
  19. brucenic

    brucenic User

    I think the number of replies and number of views of this thread shows that is a very hot topic.
    RisingCities should note their intransigence is causing a lot of frustration.
  20. CAUTION! Hot topic! To be handled by authorised personel only. Use work gloves to prevent burns. :)

    This topic brings me a lot of fun. It's starting to be better then the game itself. :)

    I take events as a regular part of my playing. And I still like them. All this is and will be repetitive by default. Somehow I always found something usefull in them and ignored the less usefull staffl. I'm actually glad they come so often. It gives me more choice to play what I want instead of just waiting for what will be gracefully thrown at me by the team. Wouldn't mind having even more options, like 3 events a week.

    :D :p :D Yeah, skipping the game is an option too. But obviously not everybody is brave enough to take this step. It's only for the braviest of the gamers. :cool: :rolleyes: :cool: I thought this was supposed to be fun, mister bitter gimme-what-I-want fighter. :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2014
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