Issue with Lumber Mills

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by High_Road, Jul 28, 2016.

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  1. High_Road

    High_Road User


    Can you please look into the issue I am having with three Lumber Mills whereby I click on them and the screen freezes? I have cleared the cache several times and restarted my pc but to no avail.

    Thanks and kind regards,

    High_Road | ID 8930201
  2. G`day High _road,
    I have reset your game, can you please advise us if your problem is now resolved.:)
    Have you also deleted your flash data?
  3. High_Road

    High_Road User

    Thank you tassie-devil. The issue is now resolved.

    Kind regards,
  4. Were always happy to help nice players :)
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