It's all green on the sea side.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wildheart50122, Feb 8, 2014.

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  1. It's not a big thing to me as it doesn't seem to affect the play of the game, but it's a glitch nonetheless.

    Refreshing it, however, does clear the issue.
  2. Do you mean the background is all green?
  3. Yeah. No big deal, but I thought it might help at least some with the developers.
  4. Uh-oh. I have buildings starting to disappear again. They seem to have touched a nerve in the last few minutes.
  5. Okay. I refreshed it and they seem to have returned.
  6. I have had that before when the internet connection was not too great.
    Sometimes the buildings would all load, but the background would just remain green.
    Other times certain buildings or decorations wouldn't load. However, rent could still be collected.
    Usually a refresh would cure the issue, if not I would employ a "come back later" approach.
    If the problem remains let us know, and we'll look into it.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  7. Thanks, Cheesemeister! Feel free to close this when you want. ;)
  8. i often have the same problem i put it down to the game servers, if your patient it will always load but sometimes takes up to 4 or 5 minutes:)
  9. I too have had and am still having this problem, sometimes I "click and drag" and it seems to clear it or I leave it to it's own devices so to speak but as said earlier a refresh does work.:)
  10. I would agree with Cheesemeister, in that it's probably an internet connection thing. Sometimes at your end, or sometimes at the server end I'm not sure, but it tends to happen to me more often at home (slow connection) than at work (fast connection, but no, I don't really play at work :D). Thread closed.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
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