just so people know

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by yersa, Feb 14, 2016.

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  1. yersa

    yersa User

    just so people know U-Von is a dead account = this is my new account the reason is two fold 1 I had many problems with that one anyway 2 I updated my computer to windows 10 from 8.1 and lost all my game codes = so I can't log in to any of the old games under the old accounts = there are two old U-Von for rising cities and one for the XXXXX game both are under the XXXXXXX emails = this account is now my permeant one please get rid of the old ones but leave this one in tacked thanks Cidian.

    I edited you post for two reasons: 1- we can not mention other games on forum even if they are from BP and 2- please don't ever leave private information on forum like your email address. We advise you to change email and if you would like to inform us, do it trough support. This measures are for your own security. Thank you for your information.

  2. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Thank you Yersa.

    This thread is now closed to avoid Spam from other users.

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