Lay out

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by demech26, Dec 29, 2016.

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  1. demech26

    demech26 User

    Is there a more proficient way to lay out your building. such as placement of houses to commercial buildings, and placement of safety buildings?
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    There is many ways to approach this subject. Each mayor has developed their own strategies to resolve this and many other issues. Check out the forum there are several threads all ready addressing this issue. I am moving this thread to the Speakers Forum where more people can answer your question.

    Good luck in building your city.
  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    de,ech26 Welcome to the game. The placement of your emergency buildings is fairly straight forward. Place them anywhere you wish. I would avoid placing them to near the edge of the map so you get the maximum effect. Remember as they are upgraded the protective area grows. If you make a mistake you can move them later. I find grouping like houses near each other so that a single commercial building can service the most number of homes. As s.c.lynx says what you do is completely up to you.
  4. nennesby

    nennesby User

    I've found that as my city grow, I need to change it. Needs change and opportunities change. In the beginning, it is important that you utilize comercials optimally later you're going to be lacking raw materials and should rather use your comercials where they provide the most benefits. I have collected all houses that need often care on the main playfield, and have "longtime" houses on the island. Trees etc are on the playfield to the right. Remeber that powerplants kan not be moved fron one playfield to another (they cannot be stored). To do the events remember to place lots of streets so that you can collect the dropitems faster. And at lower levels have most workers and les capitalists and students.

    I do not agree with lynx and billyjim when they say it is all up to you... In Danish we have a saying that tells that you need not develop the deep teller once more.... so I donot think you have to make the same mistakes that we did (if we did) - but of cource it is your choice if you want to follow our advices - but you asked...
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