Leaving Rising Cities...

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by PoyaPakzad, Aug 11, 2016.

Dear forum reader,

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  1. PoyaPakzad

    PoyaPakzad User

    I'm going to stop playing Rising Cities due to the recurrent and unresolved login malfunction.

    BigPoint insists that to solve the issue requires 1. clearing the flash cache, 2. ditto for the web cache, and 3. use Chrome Browser. All three requirements come with problems. Furthermore, they are bogus.

    Clearing the cache removes often used information by other apps and several common functions on most websites. Every time you clear it, it has to be generated and downloaded again. And any game that purports to function "best" on a specific browser is admitting to an embarrassing limitation.

    As I said, the requirements are not only problematic, but also entirely spurious. It does zero to solve the issue. The reason for that is simply that the login malfunction has nothing to do with your computer, unless you have a bad internet connection. The malfunction originates from the game itself.

    And it's a *beep*ing headache.

  2. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Good bye Poyapakzad, We have come a long way over the last four years. But, Many of us have felt your pain. Personally I use Firefox and have minimum problems. The biggest is internet connectivity, which is not neccessarily Big Points problem. Have a great life we miss every player who leaves us. Good luck.