Level Up Notice Repeat?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MI.Calgon, Dec 25, 2013.

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  1. MI.Calgon

    MI.Calgon User

    My apologies for not making sure this posted yesterday. o_OI was just now trying to check for replies to a thread of mine that I hadn't even added!:oops: I have tried to remember details that would help locate this potential error.

    I am wondering what may have caused me to get two notifications that I had moved up a level. I was on level 26 when I had received the first notice that I moved up to level 27 and collected the rewards approximately 1:00 - 1:30 PM US Eastern time. I do know that it was prior to my thread about Christmas Tree Gifts in the Speakers Corner which was posted at 1:41 PM US Eastern time.

    As I recall, probably within 30 - 60 minutes of posting that thread, I had another notice pop up that I had moved up a level...the same level to which the previous notice moved me. In other words, I got two notices that I had moved up to level 27.

    Because I don't always check to see if all the rewards make it to my warehouse or designer depot, I am not sure if I received rewards for both notices. I did notice that the rewards with each notice were not the same as one another. If I did unknowingly collect rewards for the second notice because of the duplicate notice, I'm not really sure what can or should be done. I suppose any extra rewards could be returned...that is if I haven't already used them:confused:....or they could remain as a reward :) for trying to be honest about a potential error.
    Whatever the case may be, I wanted to request that someone from the team check to see if I did indeed receive a duplicate level up notice so that it doesn't continue to happen to me or other users.
  2. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    OK, I just want to understand. You leveled up and got a notice, collected the rewards and went on playing. Some time later, you got another notice with different rewards for the same level, which you collected and then posted a note telling the folks that you had this happen. Basically, you got rewarded twice for the same level-up.

    Tell me, when you were in elementary school, did you raise your hand and say, "Teacher, you forgot to give us any homework?"
  3. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    The team have this one in the Buglist as it was reported yesterday by several people like you say.

    Hoping the team can fix it but I do not think it will be before the new year.

    Thank you as always for reporting this you are the first in EN and I do very much appreciate the feedback.:D:D:D

    Merry Christmas.:D:D:D
    MI.Calgon likes this.
  4. MI.Calgon

    MI.Calgon User

    :p LOL Hipshot! :oops: I probably did. haha :D
    You put what happened much more simply than me, although as I said, I am not sure that I clicked to collect the rewards for the second notice. I may have just clicked the X in the upper right hand corner.
  5. Didn't you know that there are people in this funny world that actually love learning, regardless their age, gender, intelectual aptitude or skin colour? :D :p :D

    Oh, nearly forgot: Let me find some homework for you. :)
  6. MI.Calgon

    MI.Calgon User

    :confused: Thanks, but I already have enough work at home to do! :p LOL

    Hmmmmm........Wondering now if what may have actually popped up was a notice for what I would receive when I reach the next mayoral level. I just reached a new tier on my current level and a notice appeared with about 6 things that I would receive when I reached the next level as mayor (the few I remember were wheat, tuna, and sushi).
  7. When you click on level/exp bar it pops up a window with rewards to be received for completing that level. It looks the same as the pop-up at finishing, only it's smaler in size and doesn't have "Collect Reward" button, only "OK" button.

    This might be a nice explanation of your "bug" as you said the rewards were different, so it's possible that one hour later you just clicked on that bar unintentionally. :)

    But pop-up normally doesn't appear on reaching tier so let's wait for what the boss says. :)

    PS: Homework is for hipshot, not for you. Unless you ask for it specifically. :)
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2013
    MI.Calgon likes this.
  8. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    No lvl after 10 hand out wheat, tuna, sushi or any other goods. They are also unlocked on different lvls.
    This is really a strange error :confused:
  9. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Please feel free to continue this topic in the player area if you wish but I need to close it now as its filling my logs...:rolleyes:
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