Log-in seems to keep running

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by *kimmi*, Dec 11, 2014.

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  1. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    Is there anyway to avoid


    it happens quit a lot ... I can do everything in the game, but the only way to get rid of the faulty Picture is to reload the game ... often several times.
    TellusXIV likes this.
  2. the same thing has happened to me Kimmi, the reason for this error is that you have clicked the selected playfield twice, sometimes the loading takes longer and if double clicked this is the result that you get i hope this helps you gl
    TellusXIV and *kimmi* like this.
  3. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    Thank you skippyroo :p - I try to avoid to have a nervous trigger-finger :rolleyes: ;)
  4. your very welcome :)
    *kimmi* likes this.
  5. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    This have happen to me a few times to so I did a little test.
    Mixed a few double clicks with some single click. All single clicks worked fine all double clicks bugged the game, different playfields didn't mater.

    Thank you skippyroo for helping us trigger-happy players :)
    *kimmi* likes this.
  6. Geflin

    Geflin User

    The last time I encountered this it was also when the blue screen was doing it also. When I had my on call computer tech (yeah, the perks of being a freelance paralegal ;) ) they reported that RC/BP was missing their server dns. I conveyed that to them via FB and about five minutes later it was fixed...no idea if they saw what I posted or not. But it seems to be a periodic server issue, understandable with the volume they handle, but frustrating nonetheless.
  7. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    The team are always working on these issues but thanks to everyone for your posts.
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