Loot-o-matic activated

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by ludwigcolin79, May 14, 2016.

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  1. Hi. uh...i don't find my hospital when I hidden it :( and I get a reward on loot-o-maitc, but how to use it?
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    ludwigcolin79 The hospital if hidden, I am assuming you mean it has been put into storage. Go to the first button on the left on the tool bar at the bottom of the page. Once open go to the emergency system items the last button on the right at the top of the inventory - buildings. There you should find your Hospital just click on it and move it back to your main playfield. It can only be accessed or located in the main playfield.

    Loot-O-Matic rewards that is a much more complecated answer. It actual depends on which reward you received. City credits, Production Points, Education Points, etc. will be added automatically to your totals, Building permits or instant build structures, Decorations will be found in the designer depot. Relize that most of the building rewards are for building permits not instant build. That will cover most of the rewards. If you have a specific item let us know and we can give you more details.
  3. nothing further here thread closed.
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