Loot-o-matic not opening. freezes on screen

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by cattie59, Jul 24, 2014.

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  1. cattie59

    cattie59 User

    I cant spinn the weel...its not there...what to do???
  2. If it is the lootomatic that you are looking for it comes and goes randomly.
    It should return in a week or so
    Is there anything else we can help you with on this topic
    Happy gaming
  3. cattie59

    cattie59 User

    Whene i press the star there is no weel....it is just an empty square...
  4. SomeXDude

    SomeXDude User

    It says the loot-o-matic is here but when i click on it there is nothing there?
  5. city wheel is now active again have you cleared your cache and tried a different browser again gl
    Happy gaming
  6. gwenniedee

    gwenniedee User

    when I activate the icon, freezes my screen.
  7. i can't see it and out
  8. bobsz

    bobsz User

    Same here, can't close it either
  9. cattie59

    cattie59 User

    same for me....
  10. cattie59

    cattie59 User

    done that. it is not working
  11. Juju_bea

    Juju_bea User

    I cannot open the loot-o-matic. When I open the box its blank and it won't close. I have to refresh the entire page.
  12. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    We are aware of the issues regarding city wheel which is affecting several players and we are working to fix this.
    Juju_bea likes this.
  13. Juju_bea

    Juju_bea User

    Thank You. Much appreciated.
  14. cattie59

    cattie59 User

    tank you
  15. Choog

    Choog User

    Issue kickin my butt. I say this because I have been waiting a week and today is a nice day off with large coffee in hand and no loot o matic.....;)
  16. I know it's being worked on.

    Same issue. Empty white box appears and freezes the game.

    ID: 8482139
  17. Choog

    Choog User

    ID 8508188

    White screen with FireFox and Chrome.
  18. Same here, Firefox and IE.
  19. Tcs001

    Tcs001 User

    It seems like the problem is when you sign on directly with risingcities.com. I am playing 2 cities. The city that I log on through games.com has been working with no problems but, my city I log on directly with RC has never worked.
    Choog likes this.
  20. artyside

    artyside User

    Same here. Not working for me. Thought it was just because i am a newbie :p

    ID 8500621
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