
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by njr10909, Jan 7, 2014.

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  1. njr10909

    njr10909 User


    The loot-o-matic went on a (seemingly) never ending spin when i tried it with my 2 tokens, I lost them both as I clicked close when it just seemed to keep on going.
    Any chance I could have the tokens replaced please?
    Or did it give a reward when I clicked close?
    Thank you
  2. Not sure what would have happened - have you tried clearing cache and logging in again and checking the loot-o-matic? It might be that your tokens weren't deducted. If it really is a problem, post your ID to get a techie to check your account.
  3. njr10909

    njr10909 User

    Thank you, that seems to have worked
  4. Great. I'll close now. Always nice to have a happy customer!
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