Lot-O-Magic How lucky were you?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by *kimmi*, Sep 26, 2014.

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  1. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    Jubii - I got


    now I can harvest my forrest of


    Anyone else who got something really usefull ;)

    (You can always find the Picture of the items in the FAQ's and make copy and paste.)
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2014
  2. brucenic

    brucenic User

    I like the naturalistic decos best. I'm always happy if I get a tree or hedge from Lootomatic.
    *kimmi* likes this.
  3. hate it if i get a low level reward,love it if i get a high or rare item
    Loricsg and *kimmi* like this.
  4. TCRooster

    TCRooster User

    Managed to get myself 2 box car flats, which I love because they are so pretty.
    Loricsg, honeywest and *kimmi* like this.
  5. Tamy

    Tamy User

    300 MM was the best I got, I think. I never had any of these tempting pagodas. On the other hand, I never actually bought a ticket, so I am happy with whatever I get.
    Loricsg and *kimmi* like this.
  6. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    I shouldn't have harvest my forest of [​IMG] now they keep popping up in Loot-O-Magic :oops:
  7. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Hm wonder what I will win :confused:o_O
    Nothing by the look of it :(

    promaster102 and *kimmi* like this.
  8. marylis

    marylis User

    TellusXIV, you really make me feel better :D:D
    And I thought I was so unlucky getting only low level awards. Well, I guess something is better than nothing... ;)
    TellusXIV and *kimmi* like this.
  9. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I just had a "great" experience with the wheel. I like to cycle through the loot-o-matic to see what I will probably not win before I spin. Well, I went through the cycle three times before spinning and what did I win a Large Hedge which was not even shown. That was fun. The joy of the wheel. Thank goodness it was free. :confused:
    *kimmi* likes this.
  10. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    ... at least you were much more Lucky than I were ... I just got 240 hobs :oops:
  11. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Bonus wheel stops at x3 ooh this can be nice :)
    And the wheel stops at ... small oak tree :mad::mad:
    I say as Billy, thank goodness it was free.
    The risk of me paying for this junk is 0%.
    Loricsg and MillerWrox like this.
  12. nervo82

    nervo82 User

    I spun a distinctive high rise and a jackpot bonus. The high rise moved to a surveillance system as I watched, dumbfounded.

    MillerWrox and *kimmi* like this.
  13. nervo82

    nervo82 User

    Hilariously, I spun a *bed and a jackpot bonus. The bed moved to 90 MM. Bug fixed - that was quick!
    Loricsg and *kimmi* like this.
  14. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Another small oak tree. If I did not have bad luck I would have no luck at all. :eek:
    MillerWrox and TellusXIV like this.
  15. This is what i got thanks BP

  16. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Oh, boy just what everyone wants 25 production points and a bonus award of 20 education points. Thank god they were free. :eek:

    Congrats ThomasHeathwaite
  17. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    3 lv ago I would have been extremly happy


    but as Tellus told in another thread ... when you reach lv33 ... PP are piling up so who need more :oops: ... I which there was another button 'refuse reward' :p
  18. same
    *kimmi* likes this.
  19. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I never will "refuse" free stuff, I am that cheap. But, How about a button that says "Ho-Hum not again."
    *kimmi* likes this.
  20. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    Just got 2 permits for:

    promaster102 and MillerWrox like this.
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