Lot-O-Magic How lucky were you?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by *kimmi*, Sep 26, 2014.

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  1. MillerWrox

    MillerWrox User

    I missed the last few loot-o-matics, so I had quite a few tokens piled up. You can imagine the level of my joy when it turned up a Classic Level Flat Screen TV and a Hot Tub, also Classic. When it followed that up with 250 Raspberries, I thought someone somewhere must be doing this on purpose and having a right old laugh. But, it wasn't all bad. I also got 110, 000 XP with a x3 multiplier and a Skatepark which always makes me smile (-:
    promaster102 and *kimmi* like this.
  2. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    Wow - I got a permit for


    now I only need a lot of

    :oops: :rolleyes: :p
    honeywest and promaster102 like this.
  3. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User


    Cann't - almost- wait until tomorrow to see what it is ... :p

    Yes ...


    now I only need

    [​IMG] [​IMG] ;) :p
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2014
    promaster102, daniel23492 and marylis like this.
  4. billyjim

    billyjim User

    There is not enough memory space on all of BP's servers to hold my wish list for the Loot o Matic. :D:D:D It seems that all I get is the same type of stuff 99.999 % of the time. :( I never get what I want or need. :p:p At least I can not say I do not have luck, I do it just happens to be bad. :eek::eek:
    *kimmi* and marylis like this.
  5. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    My lucky day :p

    TellusXIV and daniel23492 like this.
  6. on the 8th January i got:

    on the 9 i got:
    [​IMG] x1
    on the 10 i got:
    100 wood X3
    today i got:
    [​IMG]X2 my lucky day
    TellusXIV, *kimmi* and daniel23492 like this.
  7. honeywest

    honeywest User

    I am a freak for the Loot-A-Matic; I spend my mm's like they are water. I don't know why, maybe it is the surprise factor. I have been very lucky. I won two Japanese Pagodas, Colonial House, four Solar Towers, lot's of mm's, lot's of cc's, the shipwreck deco, a solar power station, a wind power station, lot's of pp, ep - just tons of stuff! Also got a lot of produce and stuff you make in the sawmill. I am pretty upset that I am probably missing or have missed the next Loot-A-Matic for this month because of the logging in issue. :mad: Too bad for BP too, I spend a lot on that crazy Loot-A-Matic! :confused:
    promaster202 and promaster102 like this.
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