Lower level events available to upper levels

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MisterN68, Mar 11, 2016.

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  1. MisterN68

    MisterN68 User

    Im talking about Childrens festival and Farmers market.

    I have soon (after finishing this weeks antiquity fair) 50 modern pier houses (rewards of the event) in storage (+ 3 in play). Also i have 30 log cabins (lumberjack Finals (none in play)) and lots of other rewards from higher level event tiers (im at level 52).
    But when i started playing i was eager to advance (pass levels quickly (it was rapid 2) and was logged in to play more than half of the day), and because of randomness of events i only obtained 1 adventure playground (reward of Childrens festival) and no Produce cart but obtained 1 Rustic windmill (from Farmers week) though.

    Why i started this thread:
    Because both events stop at level 19, id like them to be available at levels beyond that.
    In upper levels there is Biker week at the same time as Farmers market and Artist week or flea market at the same time as Childrens festival. Is it too hard 2 make them (AW & CF) available to all at same time?
    Of course new tiers 4 those events r needed (levels 20-45 and 50- for example). Some new items which have to collect or manufacture would be required in upper levels also to make it harder (for example lemonade and/or milk 4 children in their festival).

    Last edited: Mar 11, 2016
  2. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    I've been saying for this for years, so… When they first talked about us being able to choose our own event, this is exactly what I figured it would have been.

    I've said it countless times, but a system that forces the player to not play in order to not level up to be able to get something at all is badly designed, especially when many might not even know about the events beforehand as they are on a long cycle. Early levels go fast, and various changes like mastery gain you experience even faster than before. The decorations are not too advantageous compared to later ones either, though the windmill is pretty powerful.

    Whether it is new tiers with the same rewards or just letting us relax and do the low tiers doesn't matter. They could combine the produce cart ans windmill easily to get both for high levels.
  3. This request has been included in the weekly report many times in the past I will make sure it is included in the report once again;)
    MisterN68 likes this.
  4. billyjim

    billyjim User

    What we need are new or modified events not the same ones over and over again. If you think about it how many playgrounds do you need or want in your city?
  5. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    And if one has none? New events would be welcome, of course, but improving access to what is there will give small increase in variety. Having dozens of the other event permits isn't any better.
    MisterN68 likes this.
  6. MisterN68

    MisterN68 User

    I have lots of children in my city, 1 playground is not enough 4 them:):rolleyes:.

    True, for example the playground gives u +20 more mood points than the Niki Sculpture (1 of the rewards of the Artist Week).

    And finally, thanks to Tassie 4 putting this suggestion forward.

  7. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    But the Nikki sculpture is one square, while the playground is four, so the playground results in 22.5 mood per square, which even the emergency outposts top at 25. The Nikki sculpture, at 70, is more powerful as a decoration because for the same space you have more mood. It's one of the most powerful, regularly-available decorations you can get. This makes it all the more illogical that we can't get technically inferior decorations, putting aside that you need more overall work to get the space-saving effect of several stronger decorations.

    The Rustic Windmill resolves to 40 per square and is more powerful than most decorations into the mid levels and beats or equals many mystery building decorations, plus it's charming. It's not unfair that it's difficult to get for the level it is available. The produce cart is only average at 30, equaling the Antique Gas Pump, Boxwoods and low-tier mystery building deco, but still powerful for the level, especially as it's essentially two of the aforementioned. I wouldn't mind them being hard to get for higher tiered version of the same event, as long as they obtainable. But then, the Zeus Statues are easier to get and more powerful at 60, and you get two, so logic? Don't forget, you can miss the Trojan Horse easily as well. The Rock Monument comes in at 65, again in pairs, and is pretty easy to get as well.

    Mystery Building season 3 is the best overall, with Big Benny providing the most per square of any, so it's not like the availability of these is going to break the game. I have 68 Zeuses now, 34 Rock Monuments, 40 Nikkis, and several in excess of mystery building deco, so if I wanted to take advantage of numbers, I wouldn't even need the other decorations. I want them for the variety.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2016
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