LvL 17, no Emergencies/Academy

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by TheRCGreen1, Jul 17, 2014.

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  1. OK, Im lvl 17 and I have had no emergencies whatsoever, I even paid for a patrol...still nothing. I also do not have a quest to get an Academy. I have 1 quest to train a specialist for the Hospital, had it for a few lvl's now, but cant complete it without an Academy. Any ideas?

    Sry, forgot the ID

    ID #8467858
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 17, 2014
  2. If you have built your fire department and placed it on your playfield you should get emergencies. To trigger the quest to get an Academy you have to let your firemans contracts drop below 5 (I think). If you keep renewing his contract before he drops below 5 the quest won't trigger.
  3. Yes my fire dept, hospital and police station have all been on the field for a few lvls. I cant let contract run down on them because there have been no emergencies at all. Not even 1. Even after buying the street patrol...still none.
    I did renew the contract of my hospital specialist by accident, hes at 45 now and not dropping....
  4. Ok, this is a known issue that has been forwarded to the team. It is being worked on, and hopefully will be fixed soon.
    Thank you for your patience.
  5. maireadp

    maireadp User

    I have been having the same problem. No permit for academy (which may be due to the fact that the medicine woman challenge doesn't seem to finish) I have only since yesterday started having emergencies but even when one contract went to zero - still no academy permit available
    ID 8426566
  6. OoMCoO

    OoMCoO User

    I have been having the same problem. But even if a contract to go to zero - still does not provide a license Institute
    ID 8360246
  7. vnnbuild

    vnnbuild User

    same problem here... since the initial city hall emergency at level 10 I had no other emergencies at all. if a team member can please have a look and fix the issue I would highly appreciate it. thanks

    ID 8488937
  8. SomeXDude

    SomeXDude User

    I hope the problem is fixed soon so i can get on with the quest for the hospital.

    ID: 8479976
  9. Ok, my emergency system seems to be working now. All fixed Thanks!
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2014
  10. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Thank you for letting us know TheRCGreen1.
    Everybody else who has an issue please open a new thread with your specific problem or open a support ticket from the "?" (question mark) located in the upper right corner of the game window.

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