Make emergency Booster Pack rewards worth it!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wizardelo, Dec 3, 2013.

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  1. Hell yea!

    87 vote(s)
  2. hmm no.

    4 vote(s)
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  1. Joey77

    Joey77 User

    I'll continue holding my medals in storage until its better. This is unexceptable...
    brucenic likes this.
  2. Looks like they are trying to get to digital code. Alternating ones and zeroes. :D :D :D
  3. skb13

    skb13 User

    Hmmm, unexceptional certainly, unacceptable maybe. :)
  4. Joey77

    Joey77 User

    Eh, dang English perfectionists...I think the important thing to notice is how rewarding that was. I've found belly button lint more exciting then these prizes...
    skb13 likes this.
  5. buzzo1

    buzzo1 User

    better packs:confused::p:oops:;)
  6. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    this topic needs another bump , for the obvious reasons of the OP. :D
  7. I've noticed you have taken upon yourself an office of Topic Bumper. :D I'll be happy to assist you occasionally, in case you need an assistant. :)
  8. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    i dont know any other way of expressing my ideas for the game, and let people know i havent given up, so yes, all help appreciated.
    i try to convince myself that all these ideas are read at least, if not taken into account.
  9. There's little hints that suggest what happens:

    1. Moderators are expected to read nearly all posts (see OA).
    2. Ideas that moderatores like/see cool/usefull are linked to devs in weekly report for them to read (mentioned in earlier posts).
    3. Other language forums may have different "rules" for point 2 as suggested by our French friends (trying to get a certain number of "yes" votes to get the idea forwarded to the dev team).
  10. dkarl2

    dkarl2 User

    I held out from medal redemption for a couple weeks, decided to give it a go again this a.m.

    Bronze were ok; I really don't expect higher than Classic residential improvements; of the 13 sets of medals redeemed, every time I earned two "prizes," got 7 Classic RIs total (i.e., about half the time), 4 decorations (ranging from +5 to +27 in mood enhancement), and only one time did the second half of the award consist of a single unit of a commercial commodity (1 sushi roll).

    Moved on to Silver and was initially excited: 1st redemption included a Mystery Building! Each of the 3 sets of medals I redeemed earned 3 "prizes." However, the awards were so-so after that first thrill: tiles/bricks/PP, then Classic RI/1 concrete/wood paneling. That combination of Classic RI and 1 concrete in the 3rd redemption effort clued me in that things really haven't changed.

    Guess I'll have to stick with the rest of you folks and wait out the BP developers. At least for Silver and above ... I'll probably go ahead and redeem Bronze as I collect them.
  11. BlueTool

    BlueTool User

    I have kept doing the ERS and while nearly every time (despite the level) have been terrible prizes i.e. classic improvements and 1 concrete, I have received a couple of very good prizes. The best was either a silver or gold pack (can't remember which) in which I got 30 MM and the other was a bronze where I got a Residential Tower.

    Yes, most have been terrible, but it is possible to get good stuff from the Booster Packs.
  12. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    i guess your right, i dont know the internal workings of BP, but even bumping the thread every once in a while can attract attention from players and bigpoint alike and maybe, just maybe this doesnt get looked over and gets pushed on the whiteboard.
  13. I don't know their internal system either. I just take the hints from the forum. Another point to add: It was recently mentioned that devs look at Ideas board ............. so's your chance.

    Other than that, it's just a game. Communication is not their strongest feature, but I hear that some other games are a lot worse. Then I think we'll just keep having fun and let them do their business. I've noticed that they no longer even pretend that we are important to them, and overall the whole enterprise seems less friendly to me then when I started playing. It's still a good game. :) Maybe we should just ignore them as they ignore us. :) One way com tends to iritate. :) It's possible that behind the wall of silence they are working hard on another major feature or expansion.
  14. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    How dare you suggest such a thing, Mr. Commander!
  15. Probably because I'm a very brave person, Mr. Mungo. :D :rolleyes: :D

    And I'm actually starting to look forward to arrival of that ship which will sudenly come out of the mist of silence bringing all those new secretly developped features. :) So watch out! :)
  16. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Watch out nc!! BP is most likely sailing the Flying Dutchman.
    "The sight of this phantom ship is a portent of doom." Uh-oh not good :eek:
    "If hailed by another ship, the crew of the Flying Dutchman will try to send messages to land", they obvious have failed miserably with this. :(
  17. If that is so they'll never reach our shores. Ask Pirate. He must sure have met Dutchman on his cruises. :)
  18. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Pirate has said that he is trying to hand over a message to them weekly. I guess finding a ghost ship that don't want to get fond is really hard. If they fail to stay hidden from him I suppose they roll out theirs cannons to fend him of :confused:
  19. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    anyone noticed any changes in rewards? this is the second announcements about booster packs and i for one, am afraid to waste any more medals until i get some feedback :D
    -MrMungo- likes this.
  20. Joey77

    Joey77 User

    :mad:I used up all my medals and all I got was junk, so unhappy with what Dev consider good rewards. I'll start saving them again in hopes that one day it will be worth it. I had so many platinum's where all I got was 3 classic RI, what a joke those should be removed from gold and Platinum, such lame prizes! :mad:
    [RO]Turel97 and -MrMungo- like this.
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