
Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by JohnRobbertGoudr, Jul 19, 2017.

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  1. What`s going on with the market, prices are very low???

  2. the market prices can fluctuate depending on supply and demand, prices normaly go up again
  3. Jamerica

    Jamerica User

    No, you are losing many of your veteran players due to the fact that there have not been any improvements to the game whatsoever in the last two years. And, now you have taken all of the special events away. (Which were the only events that are fun for us to play.) This is a total slap in the face to all of your loyal and paying players/customers.

    So, now these players are unloading their stored materials at a great price out of respect to us that are still playing this game. Which is very much appreciated by the way. I will do the same when I complete the task I started here years ago.

    FYI, by me using the term "you", I mean bigpoint. I understand that the mods have nothing to do with this.
    stevosko likes this.
  4. Your mod team continue to ask for seasonal events and some upgrades and will continue to do so in the future.
    we also understand the frustrations that all the players are having :(:(, in the near future we hopefully will have some new stuff in the forum:) :)
    Jamerica and Elco like this.
  5. Honestly, it becomes far to easy to complete tasks and upgrade buildings this way!